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Lesson 12: Supporting Scissorhands and Statements Determine a director’s purpose for his choice of cinematic techniques Write an analytical statement that.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 12: Supporting Scissorhands and Statements Determine a director’s purpose for his choice of cinematic techniques Write an analytical statement that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 12: Supporting Scissorhands and Statements Determine a director’s purpose for his choice of cinematic techniques Write an analytical statement that includes textual evidence for a claim

2 2.18, Supporting with Textual Evidence Home versus Expert Groups Home groups are where you sit now (fam) Expert groups are the technique groups In expert groups, take notes of your technique in the “My Notes” column After viewing has ended, share with your expert group examples found Write down other group member’s examples to take back to your home group

3 Return to Home Groups Share in your home groups the techniques examined—specific examples to support later interpretations Discussion in Home Groups Have a 10 minute “socratic seminar” over the 5 questions on the page. Cite textual details from the film to support answers. As group members share, decide what is relevant and accurate support, and record information on a separate sheet of paper. Some of the ideas from discussion could be added to your chart-log for the essay! 1)How does Burton use color and costuming to create character? 2)What do you know about Peg from this segment? 3)How is Edward developed as a character? What conflict is being set up? 4)How has the director established a connection between Edward and Kim? 5)How is the neighborhood portrayed? How is the audience supposed to feel about it?

4 Key Scene As we watch the key sequence from today’s clip (11:01-16:33), take notes on your expert category on the organizer provided on p151. Describe how the technique is used or what the scene looks like based on the technique.

5 Analytical Statements with Textual Support Very, very, very, very similar to Claim + Quote Establish the author (or in this case, director)’s purpose and the effects created in using techniques Author’s Purpose: the use of a device (literary, rhetorical, cinematic) to create an intended effect, or suggest meaning Effect: The result or influence of using a specific device In your groups, choose one example from one of the technique categories, provide an example, and explain the effect in using the technique.

6 Example Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands, uses long shot to show the vulnerability of characters. For example, when Peg is upstairs in the attic of the castle, the long shot makes her look small so that the viewer worries about her safety. 1) Based on this example, we would add our commentary to further support the claim on how long shots are used to create/show vulnerability. 2) Now, individually, write an analytical statement with textual support of one of the techniques from your category. 3)Upon completion, rotate statements at your tables and evaluate the person’s statement: Does the statement identify the cinematic technique? Does the statement clearly present an accurate effect? Does the evidence accurately support the statement of effect?

7 Homework: Check for Understanding, p153 Write about a cinematic technique that you think Burton used best to create a dramatic effect in these opening scenes. Give examples, describe the effect, and cite evidence to support.

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