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Gerald Ford The Only President not to Be Elected.

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Presentation on theme: "Gerald Ford The Only President not to Be Elected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gerald Ford The Only President not to Be Elected

2 Gerald Ford Ford becomes Vice President when Spiro Agnew resigned in 1973 Ford becomes President when Nixon resigns in 1974

3 Nixon Pardon The country was separated by Nixon’s resignation Ford wanted to unify the country Wanted Watergate and Nixon to be forgotten Nixon was going to charged with a crime, so to try and put everything behind them, Ford issues a pardon (get out of jail free card) Nixon never gets charged with a crime Instead of unifying the country, Ford separates it even more "Our long national nightmare is over". — Gerald Ford

4 Staying Out of Vietnam In 1974, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam after elections were not held South Vietnam was promised protection by the Nixon administration Nixon was out and Ford was in > Ford asked Congress for $522 billion Congress vetoed request Ford keeps the US out of Vietnam Ford stated that the Vietnam War was over " far as America is concerned “ that the Vietnam War was over " far as America is concerned

5 One and Done Ford is going to run again in 1976 but is going to lose to Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter Ford is going to be the only person to serve as VP and President and never be elected to either position

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