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Assessment and UBD Wednesday, August 7, 2013 SSDSRV – Summer Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and UBD Wednesday, August 7, 2013 SSDSRV – Summer Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and UBD Wednesday, August 7, 2013 SSDSRV – Summer Institute

2 So What’s Next? DO NOW - Graffiti Wall for Homework Check – in Ipad Camera – to get ready for reflective journals today and tomorrow Anticipatory Set: –What was the purpose of the quiz after the UDL movie?

3 Checking for Understanding An important step in the teaching and learning process. Gathering information on students’ background knowledge. Finding out what students are getting out of the lesson. Corrects misconceptions to improve learning. Provides students with a model of good study skills. From: Checking for Understanding Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey (2007)

4 Comparison of Formative and Summative Assessments Formative AssessmentsSummative Assessments PurposeTo improve instruction and provide student feedback To measure student competency When administered Ongoing throughout unit End of unit or course How students use results To self-monitor understanding To gauge their progress toward course or grade-level goals and benchmarks How teachers use results To check for understanding For grades, promotion From: Checking for Understanding Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey (2007)

5 Carousel Activity There are several pieces of chart paper with assessment topics on them located around the room. Each group will have a different colored marker and be assigned a home chart. When the music begins, you will have 4 minutes to work with your group to list as many examples of assessment as you can think of or find online that match the topic on the chart.

6 Carousel Activity (continued) When the music stops, move to the next chart. When the music begins start brainstorming again. Once you reach your home chart, your group can review the entire list and prepare to report out to the total group.

7 Topics for Carousel Activity Using Oral Language to Check for Understanding Using Questions to Check for Understanding Using Writing to Check for Understanding Using Projects and Performances to Check for Understanding Using Tests to Check for Understanding Using Common Assessments and Consensus Scoring to Check for Understanding

8 Using assessments to guide Data-based instruction What does this mean?

9 What kind of data can you collect through the use of formative and summative assessments? How can this data be used to inform your instruction? Exit Ticket Exit Ticket –Write three new ways you’ll use Formative Assessment in your classroom.

10 iPad Users iPad Users 1.Download Maxjournal App 2.Download Dictionary 3.Screen Shot 4.Photos 5.Photobooth 6.Skype, Facetime, Oovoo

11 UBD Understanding by Design U-tube link for Grant Wiggins.

12 Teacher Task: 20 minutes to go online and discover all you can about UBD. You may work alone, in pairs or in groups of your choice. Define Understanding by Design. List the three steps in Backward Design. In a nutshell, explain backward design in your own words. Describe the kinds of questions UBD encourages in planning a lesson. –What should they look like? –What are they not?

13 Discussion How could you use backward design in your classroom everyday? WHY would you want to use backward design in planning a lesson or unit? Think about comparing backward design to the way you plan your lessons now. Defend the need for beginning with the end goal. (Use your definition to help)

14 Three Steps in Backward Design Identify desired results Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences and instruction

15 What is an Essential Question? Essential Questions invite critical thinking. Answers to essential questions cannot be “found.” Students must construct their own answers and make their own meaning from the information they have gathered.

16 An Essential Question should: invite various responses (open-ended) be thought provoking require students to draw on content knowledge and personal experience be revisited throughout the unit to engage students in evolving dialogue lead to other essential questions require higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy to answer invite interdisciplinary response

17 Essential Questions: Are found at the TOP of Bloom’s Taxonomy Require students to evaluate, synthesize and analyze.

18 Types of Essential Questions Which one? How? What if? Should? Why?

19 Quick Write / Think, Pair, Share Quick Write: Take 2 minutes and jot down some ideas for an essential question for a unit about Rosh Hashanah. Think, Pair, Share: Turn to your neighbor and create a question together. Share with total group.

20 Don’t Forget Reflective Journal And Homework: Use your iPad to learn more about essential questions. (Try watching a uTube video!)

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