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Computer Graphics Lecture 17 3-D Transformations-I Taqdees A. Siddiqi

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1 Computer Graphics Lecture 17 3-D Transformations-I Taqdees A. Siddiqi


3 Definition of a 3D Point  A 3-D point is similar to its 2D counterpart; we simply add an extra component, Z, for the 3rd axis:  P = (x,y,z)

4 3D Point

5 Distance between Two 3D Points  The distance between two points (Ax,Ay,Az) and (Bx,By,Bz) can be found by again using the pythagorus theorem

6 Pythagorus Theorem  Distance between A and B = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) where dx = Ax-Bx dy = Ay-By dz = Az-Bz

7 Definition of a 3D Vector  Like it's 2D counterpart, a vector can be thought of in two ways: either a point at (x,y,z) or a line going from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (x,y,z).

8 Length of vector  To calculate the length of a vector we simply calculate the distance between the origin and the point at (x,y, z) :

9 Length of vector length = | (x,y,z) – (0,0,0) | = sqrt( (x-0)*(x-0) + (y-0)*(y-0) + (z-0)* (z-0) ) = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)

10 Unit Vector  Often in 3D computer graphics you need to convert a vector to a unit vector, i.e. a vector that points in the same direction but has a length of 1.

11 Finding Unit Vector  This is done by simply dividing each component by the length:

12 Finding Unit Vector  Let (x,y,z) be our vector  length = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)  Unit vector = | x, y, z | | length length length | Where length = |(x,y,z)|

13  Note that if the vector is already a unit vector then the length will be 1, and the new values will be the same as the old ones.

14 3D Vector Addition Adding vector to point point.x = point.x + vector.x; point.y = point.y + vector.y; point.z = point.z + vector.z;

15 Operations between Points and Vectors  point – point => vector  point + point = point – ( - point) => vector  vector – vector => vector

16 Operations between Points and Vectors  vector + vector => vector  point + vector => point  point – vector = point + (-vector) => point

17 Multiplying: Scalar Multiplication  Multiplying a vector by a scalar ( a number with no units) :  Vector.x = Vector.x * Scalar  Vector.y = Vector.y * Scalar  Vector.z = Vector.z * Scalar

18 Example  A vector of length 4  if multiplied by 2.5  Yields a vector of length 10  in the same direction as original

19 Example  A vector of length 4  If multiplied by -2.5 instead,  Yields a vector of length 10;  but in the direction opposite to original

20 Vector Multiplication 1.Vectors can be multiplied in two ways: 1.Dot Product 2.Cross Product

21 Dot Product  The dot product of two vectors A & B is defined by the formula:  A * B = A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y + A.z * B.z

22 Another definition of Dot Product A * B = |A| * |B| * cos(θ) Where θ is the angle between the two vectors

23 Properties of Cos(θ) cos(θ) > 0 if θ 270 o cos(θ) < 0 if θ is > 90 o and θ < 270 o cos(θ) = 0 if θ = 90 o or θ = 270 o

24 Use of Dot Product  If point of view is at (px,py,pz).  and is looking along the vector (vx,vy,vz),  we have a point P (x,y,z) in space.


26  we want to know if P is visible from the point-of-view (POV), or if P is “behind” the POV

27 Dot Product - Example  Point3D pov;  Vector3D povDir;  Point3D test;  Vector3D vTest  float dotProduct;

28 Example cont…  vTest.x = pov.x – test.x;  vTest.y = pov.y – test.y;  vTest.z = pov.z – test.z;

29 Example cont… dotProduct = vTest.x * povDir.x + vTest.y * povDir.y + vTest.z * povDir.z

30 if(dotProduct > 0)  point is “in front of “ POV  else if (dotProduct < 0)  point is “behind” POV  else point is orthogonal to the POV direction

31 Cross Product  for Vectors A, B  A X B = (A.y * B.z – A.z * B.y, A.z * B.x – A.x * B.z, A.x * B.y – A.y * B.x )

32  This formula for A x B came from the determinate of order 3 of the matrix: | X Y Z | |A.xA.y A.z| |B.xB.y B.z|

33 Cross Product for physicists  |A x B| = |A| * |B| sin(θ)  Where θ is the angle between the two vectors

34 A Question  A static set of 3D points or other geometric shapes on screen are not very interesting, are they ?

35 Transformations

36  The process of moving points in space is called transformation

37 Types of Transformation  Translation  Rotation  Scaling  Reflection  Shearing

38 Translation  Translation is used to move a point, or a set of points, linearly in space

39  Translation Distances t x, t y, t z  For point P(x,y,z) after translation we have P′(x′,y′,z′)  x′ = x + t x, y′ = y + t y, z′ = z + t z (t x, t y, t z ) is Translation vector

40 Now x′ = x + t x, y′ = y + t y and z′ = z + t z can be expressed as a single matrix equation: P′ = P + T Where P =P′ = T =

41 3D Translation Example  you may want to move a point “3 meters east, -2 meters up, and 4 meters north.”

42 Steps for Translation  Point3D point = (0, 0, 0)  Vector3D vector = (10, -3, 2.5)  Adding vector to point

43 Steps for Translation  point.x = point.x + vector.x;  point.y = point.y + vector.y;  point.z = point.z + vector.z;  And finally we have translated point


45 Abbreviated as: P’ = T (t x, t y, t z ). P Homogeneous Coordinates


47 Computer Graphics Lecture 17

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