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Historical Milestones.  People at this time knew that diseases could be passed from person to person and on clothing ◦ …but didn’t know what it was.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Milestones.  People at this time knew that diseases could be passed from person to person and on clothing ◦ …but didn’t know what it was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Milestones


3  People at this time knew that diseases could be passed from person to person and on clothing ◦ …but didn’t know what it was

4  Bacteria carried by fleas  Plague killed 25- 30 million people in Europe  Estimates: 60- 70 million worldwide died

5  An English Scientist viewed cells in cork  Hooke – “coined” the word CELL


7  Dutch textile merchant made the first microscope  He saw bacteria, fungi and some protozoa

8  Smallpox vaccine

9  Proved that anthrax is caused by bacteria  Came up with Koch’s Postulates  1882 discovered the cause of TB = tuberculosis

10  German botanist  Considered one of the founders of Microbiology  Discovered Endospores

11  The English surgeon discovered the antiseptic method.  In other words: Clean, Sterile = use antiseptics during surgery


13  French chemist and microbiologist  Proved that microorganisms cause disease  Discovered the rabies & anthrax vaccine  Originated “Pasteurization”

14 ◦ Discovered Penicillin

15  1940s – the electron microscope developed  Post World War II – antibiotics introduced to medicine  1950s and 1960s – vaccines developed to control polio, measles, mumps, & rubella

16  1977 - Developed a method to sequence DNA ◦ Sanger & Gilbert  1983 - Polymerase Chain Reaction = PCR ◦ Mullis  1995 - First genome of microbe ◦ H. influenza

17  1973 – Biotechnology ◦ Insulin – the first genetically engineered drug  1980 – Present ◦ Genetically modified food ◦ Drugs ◦ Vaccines ◦ Stem Cell Research ◦ Nano-technology ◦ Personal Genome Sequencing = $99 (2013)

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