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2007 Paul VanRaden, Jan Wright, Gary Fok, and Mel Tooker Animal Genomics and Improvement Lab Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, MD, USA

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Presentation on theme: "2007 Paul VanRaden, Jan Wright, Gary Fok, and Mel Tooker Animal Genomics and Improvement Lab Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, MD, USA"— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 Paul VanRaden, Jan Wright, Gary Fok, and Mel Tooker Animal Genomics and Improvement Lab Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, MD, USA 2016 Cow Livability Evaluations

2 CDCB Board Meeting, February, 2016 (2) Paul VanRaden  Reasons for disposal have been reported and stored in DHI records since 1970  About 20% of cows die instead of being sold across all lactations  Death loss per lactation average 7%, higher in later, lower in earlier lactation Background

3 CDCB Board Meeting, February, 2016 (3) Paul VanRaden  PL measures cow’s ability to avoid dying or being culled  LIV measures cow’s ability to stay alive  LIV is a subset of PL Productive life (PL) vs. Livability (LIV)

4 CDCB Board Meeting, February, 2016 (4) Paul VanRaden  Definition :  Reverse of mortality: 0 = died this lactation 0 = died this lactation 100 = lived this lactation 100 = lived this lactation  Multiply by average lactation/cow (2.8) so to put on lifetime scale LIV model

5 CDCB Board Meeting, February, 2016 (5) Paul VanRaden  Data :  92 million records on 32 million cows  Methodology:  Multi-trait 1-step model with PL (by lactation) using similar edits as other traits (1step)  (PL-lact will not be reported)  Heritability of 1.3 (Miller et al., 2008), genetic correlation with lactation PL of.50 LIV model (cont.)

6 CDCB Board Meeting, February, 2016 (6) Paul VanRaden BreedMeanStd DevNum. bulls AY 0.52.0246 BS 0.12.0692 GU -0.33.5182 HO -1.12.245,840 JE -0.21.73,893 MS 0.71.964 Means and Std Dev. Of PTALIV (bulls born 1990 or later, minimum 50 daus,.50 rel for PTALIV)

7 CDCB Board meeting, February 2016 (7) Paul VanRaden TraitHOJE Milk.09-.08 Fat.21.01 Protein.16-.01 Prod. Life.70.54 SCS-.28-.07 Dau. Preg. Rate.40.54 Cow Conc. Rate.40.33 Heifer Conc. Rate.28.32 Num. bulls45,8403,893 Correlation of PTALIV with other trait PTAs (bulls born 1990 or later, minimum 50 daus,.50 rel for PTALIV )

8 CDCB Board meeting, February 2016 (8) Paul VanRaden Genetic trend in PTALIV - HO

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