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CHINA UNDER MAO ZEDONG.  Leader of the People's Republic of China since 1949.  introduced the Great Leap Forward in 1958  put in place to modernize.

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2  Leader of the People's Republic of China since 1949.  introduced the Great Leap Forward in 1958  put in place to modernize the Chinese economy  mobilizing its population  Most of the population was placed on communes to help with industrialization and increase productivity  Due to the lack of China's resources the plan failed and caused wide spread famine


4  Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government.  Current Communist leaders were taking the party, and China in the wrong direction  Mao called on the nation’s youth to purge “impure” elements of society  revive the revolutionary spirit.

5 To encourage the personality cult that sprang up around Mao Zedong during the first phase of the Cultural Revolution, Defense Minister Lin Biao saw that the now-famous "Little Red Book" of Mao's quotations was printed and distributed by the millions throughout China.

6  The Cultural Revolution  Shut down the nation’s schools  Red Guards: Youths mobilized to take party leaders to task:  Bourgeois values  Lack of revolutionary spirit  Attacked the nation’s elderly and intellectuals  Leads to a personality cult  President Liu Shaoqi and other Communist leaders were removed from power.

7  Different factions of the Red Guard movement battle for dominance.  Cities reach the brink of chaos.  Mao had Lin send army troops in to restore order.  Forced many urban members of the Red Guards into rural areas, where the movement declined.  Chinese economy plummeted, with industrial production for 1968 dropping 12 percent below that of 1966.

8  1969, Lin was officially designated Mao’s successor.  Used the excuse of border clashes with Soviet troops to institute martial law.  Mao began to maneuver against him with the help of premier Zhou Enlai.  Ranks of power atop the Chinese gov’t split.  1971, Lin died in an airplane crash attempting to escape to the USSR.  His high military command were purged.  Hua Guofeng replaces Lin as paramount leader.

9  Zhou took over greater control of the government.  Many Chinese citizens to feel disillusioned.  Mao’s “revolution, "seemed to have dissolved in favor of ordinary power struggles.  Zhou acted to stabilize China by reviving educational system.  Restored numerous former officials to power.

10  1972:Mao suffered a stroke and Zhou learned he had cancer.  The two leaders threw their support to Deng Xiaoping.  Purged during the first phase of the Cultural Revolution.  The Gang of Four  Jiang (Madame Mao) and her allies.  More radical than Zhou.  Opposed Mao and Zhou’s support for Deng Xiaoping.  Chinese politics teetered between the two sides for several years.

11  Shortly after Zhou’s death the Gang of Four finally convinced Mao to purge Deng in April 1976.  Mao died in September.  A civil, police and military coalition pushed the Gang of Four out.  Deng regained power in 1977, and would maintain control over Chinese government for the next 20 years.

12 China under Deng Xiaoping, economic policies and the Four Modernizations

13  Deng had full control of the Party and the government by 1982.  He wanted to:  Make important changes so that China could compete with the West.  Start separating the government from the Party. Wanted to put in place policies diffed from communist ideologies. Wanted to put in place policies diffed from communist ideologies.  Put in place Western policies.  He was still a communist and made sure that the political system remained communist.

14  The Ten Year Plan  Announced by Hua in 1978  Focused on economic sectors with a heavy industry.  especially steel production.  natural resource extractions (oil, petroleum, coal and non ferrous- metals  infrastructure development: electricity, rail roads and water transport.

15  China would be able to support itself and compete with the West.  Deng was put in charge of these political changes.  The Ten Year Plan was too costly and ambitious.  Focus was put on the Four Modernizations: 1.Agriculture 2.Industry 3.Science 4.Military

16  The Party introduced the Open Door Policy in December 1978.  Major factor for success  Provided needed capital for the changes.  China would learn from the West.  China became attractive to investors like Japan, West Germany and the United States.

17  #1: Agriculture  Goal: increase crop yields.  move away from traditional farming methods.  introduce mechanized farming.  improve water supply to farmers  personal incentives and diversification.  Household Responsibility System  each farming household received a plot of land. Could be used as wanted. Could be used as wanted.

18 Contracted with the local commune. Contracted with the local commune. Had to hire a certain number of workers. Had to hire a certain number of workers. Plant specific amounts of certain crops. Plant specific amounts of certain crops. Surplus could be either sold or kept. Surplus could be either sold or kept.  HRS is very successful: by 1989 90% of households where in the system.  China became the largest agricultural producer in the world.

19  #2: Industry  Goal: capital construction and improving heavy industries.  steel, iron, coal and oil production.  The Industrial Responsibility System  A State Owned Enterprise (SOE) would have a contract in which a # of the production and/or profit would go to the state. Surplus could be kept. Surplus could be kept.  Quality of production increases.

20  #3: Science and Technology.  Goals: compete with the developing countries by repairing the damages caused by the Cultural Revolution.  Be only 10 years behind the developing countries.  Increase the number of doctors, scientists, engineers and architects.  Develop centers used for experiments and to complete a nation wide system of science and technology research.

21  #4: Military  Goal: modernization. China lacked military technology.  Link science to the military.  Develop centers of research.  Gov’t spent up to 10% buying and developing weapons.  Results of the Ten Year Plan  Mixed results, the plan succeeded in some ways but not in others.

22  Production and agriculture had an average annual growth of 11%.  Higher growth rates in the production of coal, steel, electricity and oil.  Success in the regions of infrastructure development and construction.  Improvements in science and technology.  Problems  Workforce Workers trained in the West came back to antiquated technology. Workers trained in the West came back to antiquated technology. Older, uneducated workers not respected by younger ones. Older, uneducated workers not respected by younger ones.

23 Increased production=inflation. Increased production=inflation. Issues affecting the quality of life are not confronted. Issues affecting the quality of life are not confronted. Large scale pollution and deforestation. Large scale pollution and deforestation. One child policy penalized families with more than one child (except for party members). One child policy penalized families with more than one child (except for party members). Children of party members were automatically accepted to universities / waived from military service. Children of party members were automatically accepted to universities / waived from military service.




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