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Chapters 32-34 Let’s Rock This Exam!!. Yugoslavia Breaks Apart 1.Prior to 1991, Yugo was multiethnic and made up of 6 republics (like states) 2.Slovenia,

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1 Chapters 32-34 Let’s Rock This Exam!!

2 Yugoslavia Breaks Apart 1.Prior to 1991, Yugo was multiethnic and made up of 6 republics (like states) 2.Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia 3.Serbs dominated Yugo—held together and controlled by the Communist Party 4.**in 1991, the fall of the Communist Party led to a series of independence movements**

3 The Yugo


5 Bosnian War 1992-95 1.Territorially, it was Serbia vs. Bosnia-H 2.Ethnic cleansing of Muslim Bosniaks 3.Slobodan Milosevic and others were charged with war crimes 4.UN forces intervene against Serbia

6 Slobodan Milosevic: Pres. of Serbia "Butcher of the Balkans"

7 Mass graves—Srebrenica Massacre 8000 killed

8 Ethnic Fighting in Burundi and Rwanda 1.Hutus (majority) resented that the Tutsis (minority) had dominated Rwanda. 2.Extremist Hutus urge civilians to kill Tutsis and moderate Hutus 3.800,000 die in this act of genocide 4.“Hotel Rwanda” 5.**conflict btwn Tutsis and Hutus led to civil war in Rwanda and Burundi**




12 Many large gravesites throughout Rwanda


14 Obstacles to Peace btwn Israelis and Arabs 1.Land claims:  Palestinians (Arabs) were forced off their lands in past wars. Want the right to return. 2.Jewish Settlements the West Bank:  Jews want to remain, build more,  Palestinians want them out.



17 Obstacles to Peace btwn Israelis and Arabs 3. Jerusalem **Sacred city for Christians, Jews, Muslims** Is the capital of Israel Palestinians want it to be the capital of a future Palestinian state

18 Transforming Economies 1.Many global South countries are developing countries and need $ for development 2.**investors in the global North financed industries in developing nations mainly to make a profit on their investment**


20 Socialism or Capitalism in Africa? 1.Development means building productive economies, raising the std of living by: Establishing industries Inc. literacy Building transportation systems Develop resources—people, mining, timber Deal w/ rural poverty

21 Socialism or Capitalism in Africa? 1.Socialism—govt controls parts of the economy 2.**many newly independent countries chose socialism in order to end economic inequality btwn the rich and poor** 3.Also, to end foreign influence on their economies

22 Socialism or Capitalism in Africa? 1.Some countries chose capitalism (market economies)—private ownership of land as a path to development 2.Their economies were more efficient but **they allowed profits to be taken out of the country by foreign owners**

23 Cash Crops or Food? 1.Some countries don’t have enough land to grow food crops and cash (export) crops 2.Many decided to grow cash crops and therefore had to import food 3.Some dependent on one export crop **countries dependent on one export crop are the African economies that suffer most from abrupt changes in market price**

24 African Cash Crops Cocoa Coffee Cotton Tobacco

25 Chinese Communists Crack Down 1.Deng Xiaoping (1981) was more interested in improving the economy than keeping China purely communist 2.Econ reforms and contact w/ the West led some to demand more political freedom 3.May 1989, 1000’s of students and workers occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing. 4.After several days the govt sent in troops and tanks


27 Chinese Communists Crack Down 1.1000’s were killed or wounded in the Tiananmen Square Massacre 2.**Chinese Communist leaders were more interested in order than political freedom**

28 “Tank Man”





33 Causes of Poverty 1.Half the world’s population lives on less than $2 per day 2.Almost 1 billion can’t read or write 3.Over 790 million in the developing world suffer from hunger

34 Causes of Poverty Poverty is hard to define, so experts can’t agree on how many people are in poverty Experts agree on: 1.**In the economies of the developing world The gap btwn the rich and poor is growing** Some progress has been made to reduce poverty


36 Terrorism and the Middle East 1.**western colonial domination of the ME is one reason the region has become a training ground for terrorism** 2.The 1948 creation of Israel didn’t help either

37 World Trade Center 1993


39 September 11, 2001



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