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REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Daniel Funes de Rioja IOE Executive Vice-President IOE Vision Statement Meeting of IOE European.

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Presentation on theme: "REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Daniel Funes de Rioja IOE Executive Vice-President IOE Vision Statement Meeting of IOE European."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Daniel Funes de Rioja IOE Executive Vice-President IOE Vision Statement Meeting of IOE European Members Oslo, September 2008

2 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Objectives To reaffirm the role of the IOE and the Employers’ Group as the voice of the free initiative and market economy at the ILO To adapt our approach to today’s global realities To persuade the ILO office, governments and workers to better understand business realities and concerns: new direction to ILO work and focus: to turn a reactive vision to a proactive attitude. To work with the other multilateral organizations in a com- plementary manner, remaining within their own mandate and knowledge.

3 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD The context for the ILO today Globalization presenting major opportunities for poverty reduction; Liberalized economies linking businesses across the globe; Massive progress in economic and political freedom; Technological advances changing every industry and sector; Broad acceptance of the free market economy model; Increased shared interests between employers and unions: a new paradigm.

4 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD The challenges before the Organization Helping constituents adapt to rapidly ‐ changing global labour markets; Reducing poverty, promoting education and training and creating more and better jobs; Helping address skills needed for economies in the 21st Century; Assisting those adversely affected in particular sectors and regions by certain policy choices; Making the Conference much more relevant and the Governing Body more effective: governance issues.

5 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Employers’ Priorities Establish a modern and high impact Labour Standards policy: integrated approach – revision of outdated instruments – transparent methods of work for the supervisory machinery; Promote the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; Reorient programmes and policies towards “employment generation and security”; Promote policies conducive to the creation of sustainable and competitive enterprises;

6 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Employers’ Priorities Assist governments in strengthening effective labour market institutions and is constructing economically sound legislation  The promotion of labour market flexibility  The formalization of the informal economy  The modernization of labour administrations Promote the creation of safe workplaces through a culture of prevention Address discrimination in the workplace Active participation in the implementation of the 2008 Declaration

7 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Implementation Policies Become a global “brand leader” in selected policy areas; Work with other agencies in complimentary fashion (ILO should work in areas of genuine competence); Focus on technical work and assistance – not advocacy; Become a globally ‐ recognized knowledge centre on the world of work; Encourage in-house an open and questioning intellectual climate; Ensure transparency and accountability in all activities and decision ‐ making;

8 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Implementation Policies Promote tripartism, strengthen tripartite mechanisms and better utilize and respect the contribution of employers; Ensure equality of treatment by and within the ILO of all constituents; Develop an effective Human Resources strategy, including more staff from the employer community; Fully involve employers in the development of ILO policies and products; Ensure employer priorities are treated on an equal basis; Strengthen ACT/EMP’s capacity.

9 REPRESENTING EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD New Context : New ILO? New relationship? The business community has in the past approached the ILO with some reticence. Today the situation has changed: Essential role of the private sector in development strategies recognized by all. The ILO and the employer community should be natural partners in the shared goal of wealth and job creation.

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