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1 Organization and Vision. Outline Goals Organizations Common Challenges Vision Development 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Organization and Vision. Outline Goals Organizations Common Challenges Vision Development 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Organization and Vision

2 Outline Goals Organizations Common Challenges Vision Development 2

3 Goals for this discussion Understand organizations using the provided paradigm Identify common challenges in organizations Understand the role of a vision statement Develop a vision for your unit 3

4 Organization The personnel of an administrative and functional structure. A body of people brought together with for a particular purpose. Adapted from Merriam-Webster 1993, 2013 4

5 Organization The parts –People The individuals in the corps that makes up the organization –Relationships The connections, rules, structure of how the individuals interact 5


7 Common Challenges Mistrust –Peer-to-peer discourages teamwork and knowledge sharing, promotes undermining –Management-employee Lack of unified focus Disengagement 7


9 VISION 9 9

10 Vision Statement The ideal manifestation of an organization defined in terms of values. 10

11 ASME Vision Statement –To be the essential resource for mechanical engineers and other technical professionals throughout the world for solutions that benefit humankind 11

12 Vision The parts –Values How the organization believes things ought to be done –Direction The ideal state of the organization 12

13 Back to ASME Vision Statement –To be the ESSENTIAL RESOURCE for mechanical engineers and other technical professionals throughout the world for SOLUTIONS THAT BENEFIT HUMANKIND 13 Ideal State Values

14 CREATE A VISION STATEMENT FOR YOUR UNIT Refresher: A VISION STATEMENT uses values to describe the ideal state of the organization Examples: EWB - Everyone has access to the engineering knowledge and resources required to lead a life of opportunity, free from poverty. The Salvation Army - a growing, loving community of people dynamically living God's mission in a broken world. ASME - To be the essential resource for mechanical engineers and other technical professionals throughout the world for solutions that benefit humankind 14

15 QUESTIONS? “We will be remembered forever by the tracks we leave.” –Dakota Saying 15 MICKEY CLEMON CLEMONL2@ASME.ORG

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