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“He defended the cause of the poor and needy…is that not what it means to know me?" declares the Lord - Jeremiah 22:16.

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Presentation on theme: "“He defended the cause of the poor and needy…is that not what it means to know me?" declares the Lord - Jeremiah 22:16."— Presentation transcript:



3 “He defended the cause of the poor and needy…is that not what it means to know me?" declares the Lord - Jeremiah 22:16

4 A Tale of Two Queues


6 2015 in Review Behind the Barcode

7 2015 in Review Syrian Refugee Action

8 2015 in Review Kit Kat and Milo

9 2015 in Review Tax Justice

10 2015 in Review Millennium Development Goals

11 Target 4A: Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate. Achieved/Not Achieved? Heads: Achieved Tails: Not Achieved

12 Target 5A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio. Achieved/Not Achieved? Heads: Achieved Tails: Not Achieved

13 Target 7C: Halve, by 2015 the proportion of the population without access to basic sanitation Achieved/Not Achieved? Heads: Achieved Tails: Not Achieved

14 Income Poverty What has happened to income poverty since 1990? (People living on less than $1.25 per day) Heads: No change Shoulders: Poverty has increased slightly Hips: Poverty has halved Knees: Poverty has fallen by 2/3rds



17 Child Mortality What has happened to the number of children dying before their fifth birthday Heads: It has increased Shoulders: There has been little change Hips: It has halved Knees: It has more than halved


19 Maternal Health What has happened to the proportion of mothers dying in pregnancy and child birth? Heads: Slight increased Shoulders: Stayed the same Hips: Slightly Decreased Knees: Almost Halved


21 Clean Water What Percentage of the world now has access to clean water? Heads: 99% Shoulders: 91% Hips: 76% Knees: 49%



24 Sustainable Development Goals What’s Different? Universal Application Broader Goals Inclusion of Disability Inclusive Goal Setting

25 Activity Questions to think about… Share your first impressions Who has power in this story? What are the consequences of the way that power is being exercised? What would it look like if power was being used in a way that was more aligned with God’s intention for power? What would need to happen for this to become a reality? What role can we play in helping to bring this reality about?


27 Millions $ % GNI Australian Aid Budget Aid plan as % GNI Cuts ($m) 2016 Campaigns Australian Aid: Background

28 Millions $ % GNI Australian Aid Budget Cuts ($m) 2016 Campaigns Australian Aid: Background

29 2016 Campaigns Australian Aid: Background

30 2016 Campaigns: Australian Aid: Background

31 - Steven Ciobo, Minister for International Development and the Pacific “I would love Australia to be one of the most generous nations, if not the most generous nation on the planet, but we've got to do it in the context of what we can be able to afford ”

32 2016 Campaigns: Australian Aid: Background

33 2016 Campaigns: Australian Aid: Background Overall Spending Up 13.5% Aid Spending Down 33%

34 2016 Campaigns Australian Aid Policy Asks: Timetabled commitment to increase aid to the international aid target of 0.7% GNI by 2030 For Australia, as one of the wealthiest and least indebted nations in the world, to take a leadership position when it comes to generosity. As a move towards this position, Australia returns to being in the top half of wealthy country aid donors within the next parliamentary term. Actions: Write to, or meet with, your local MP Run a ‘What We’re For’ event Australian Aid postcard campaign Attend Voices for Justice in Canberra, or regional gatherings in Brisbane and Adelaide

35 2016 Campaigns Tax Justice: Background

36 2016 Campaigns Tax Justice: Background

37 2016 Campaigns Tax Justice: Background Automatic Information Exchange

38 2016 Campaigns Tax Justice: Background Country-By-Country Reporting

39 2016 Campaigns Tax Justice Policy Asks: Public country-by country reporting Registry of beneficial ownership to stop people hiding their identity with trusts and shell companies Actions: Visit local MP to talk about this issue Take part in our tax justice webinar (June) Get people in church and community to sign a tax justice postcard

40 2016 Campaigns Behind the Barcode: Background Fashion Report Electronics Report

41 2016 Campaigns Behind the Barcode: Background


43 2016 Campaigns Behind the Barcode Policy Asks: For Australian companies to take stronger steps towards protecting workers in their supply chain by: Increasing traceability and transparency Monitoring working conditions throughout the entire supply chain Ensuring workers are paid a living wage Actions: Promote BTB website, Ethical Fashion Guide (April 2016) and Ethical Electronics Guide (February 2016) Preference companies that are taking action Host a True Cost screening Advocate to brands that have poor labour rights management systems Take part in postcard campaign to the fashion brand Seed.


45 2016 Campaigns Stop the Traffik: Background

46 2016 Campaigns Stop the Traffik Policy Asks: In the cocoa industry: ensure their cocoa farms are certified against child and forced labour In the fashion industry: ensure they know who produces their clothes from the farm to the factory; ensure workers are paid a living wage; and ensure their supply chains are audited for the presence of exploitation Actions: Easter Campaign: ‘Ask’ cards to Woolworths (Woolworths and Big W) and Wesfarmers (Target, Kmart, Coles). ‘Thank you’ cards to Haigh's and Aldi Seed Postcard Campaign True Cost Screening




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