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CTE Intro Activity 2 The World of Work What's the Difference Job Occupation Career Activity 2.

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2 CTE Intro Activity 2 The World of Work

3 What's the Difference Job Occupation Career Activity 2

4 JOB A position with specific duties and responsibilities in a particular workplace. For example: A portrait photographer at Wal-Mart in Riverdale. Activity 2

5 Occupation A cluster of jobs with common characteristics requiring similar skills. Wildlife Photographer Example: Photographer Wedding Photographer Portrait Photographer Activity 2

6 Occupation As was said before: A cluster of jobs with common characteristics requiring similar skills. Photo Journalist Activity 2

7 Career The totality of all work – paid and unpaid – one does in his or her lifetime. Babysitting Mowing Lawns Doing the dishes Future Jobs!!! Newspaper Carrier Photo Journalist Taking out the trash Activity 2

8 Sky High Five 1. Change is Constant. 2. Learning is ongoing. 3. Focus on the journey. 4. Follow your heart. 5. Access your allies.

9 CTE Intro Activity 3 What’s my Line

10 Terms Gross Monthly Income Transferable Skill Leisure Time Activity 3

11 Gross Monthly Income This is the total income or earnings before deductions for taxes, insurance, or other expenses.

12 Transferable Skill This is the mastery of a skill that can be used in a variety of occupations.

13 Leisure Time This is spare time away from work to relax, enjoy hobbies, and participate in family activities.

14 CTE Intro Activity 4 Reality Check

15 Terms Gross Monthly Income Payroll Deduction Net Monthly Income Activity 4

16 Gross Monthly Income This is the total income or earnings before deductions for taxes, insurance, or other expenses.

17 Payroll Deduction Money subtracted from the gross monthly income by an employer. These include things such as taxes and insurance.

18 Net Monthly Income Earnings after deductions or your “Take-home pay.”

19 For Example: This sample check stub puts it all together!

20 –F–Federal Tax$305.00 –S–State Tax$160.00 –S–Social Security/Medicare$230.00 –I–Insurance$200.00 Payroll Deduction Total Monthly Payroll Information = $895.00 Net Monthly Income/Take-home Pay = $2105.00 Gross Monthly Income$3,000 Payroll Deductions of

21 Your Budget $3,000 Example $3,000 X __30%_ is the same as $3,000 X __.30_ 0000 9000_ $900.00 Worksheet $900 Activity 4

22 Your Budget $3,000 Example $3,000 - __900 $2100 Worksheet $900 $2,100 Activity 4

23 Example Your Budget Rent: Pay to live there. Mortgage: To purchase the home over a number of years. (i.e. – 30 year mortgage means - ownership of the home after making payments each month for 30 years.) Activity 4

24 Example Your Budget $1165 Mortgage $165 Worksheet $165 X __20%_ is the same as $165 X __.20_ 000 330 $33.00 $33 Activity 4

25 Example Your Budget $ 1165 Mortgage $165 Worksheet $1165 X __30%_ is the same as $1165 X __.30_ 0000 3495 $349.50 $33 $350 $250 $15 $40 $80 $0 $2098 The total is transferred to letter D on the budget sheet 4.6 Activity 4 However the total has to be less than your net monthly income on letter C sheet 4.6 If it is not, you will have to change things on this sheet only…until your monthly expenses are less than your net monthly income!

26 Your Budget $3,000 Example $2100 - 2098 $2 Worksheet $900 $2,100 $2098 $2 Activity 4 Something comes up every month that can slightly change the budget. Your teacher will come around with a chance card to mimic this. Hopefully, you will have money left to put in your savings!

27 The End

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