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Classification of Computers Lecture # 03 Instructor: Naveedullah Safi 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of Computers Lecture # 03 Instructor: Naveedullah Safi 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of Computers Lecture # 03 Instructor: Naveedullah Safi 1

2 Classification of Computers 2

3 Classification Of Computers  Classification of computers according to function Analog computer Digital computer Hybrid Computer 3

4 Analog computer Analog computers are that in which data varies continuously i.e. the movement of data is continuous. Represented By: series of waves Used for:  measuring temperature, pressure, etc.  Communication  broadcast transmission Example  automobile speedometer, voltmeter, etc 4

5 Digital Computer DIGITAL COMPUTERS are those computers in which data flows in discrete form Represented By: pulses, two series i.e. 0s & 1s USED FOR:  Mathematical calculations  Compare values  Storing the result EXAMPLE Digital watch, Education system, business purpose 5

6 Hybrid Computer HYBRID COMPUTERS are combination of both analog computer and digital computer MEASURES: both continuous and discrete form of data EXAMPLE  Measuring heart beat or ECG system in a hospital  petrol pump contains a processor that converts fuel flow measurements into quantity and price values 6

7 In digital computer, classification can be done on the basis of purpose  GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTER  SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPUTER 7

8 GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTER: These are designed to perform the variety of jobs or applications for this reason; they are less efficient than special purpose computers EXAMPLE Banking, Sales Analysis, PCs, etc 8

9 Special Purpose Computer These are designed to meet the needs of some special application. They are designed to perform a single job. So they execute a task quickly and more efficiently. Program and instructions are stored permanently in them Example Weapon designing 9

10 Types of Digital computers There are four Types of Digital Computer in terms of size, power and speed 1. Supercomputer 2. Mainframe Computer 3. Minicomputer 4. Microcomputer 10

11 1) Supercomputer The most powerful computers in terms of performance and data processing Can process trillions of instruction per second Used to perform complex task Modern Supercomputer consist of thousand of microprocessors Biggest in size, consumes so much energy and cost of one supercomputer can be up to several billion dollars 11

12 Uses of supercomputer Used for weather prediction Weapon design and atomic research Government use it for different calculation and heavy jobs Hollywood movies use it for animation purposes 12

13 2) Mainframe Computer It is a large computer in terms of price, power and speed Less powerful than supercomputer Consist of multiple processor Specially designed to perform multiple tasks for multiple users simultaneously Also known as enterprise server and serve thousands users simultaneously Its price is several thousand to several million dollars 13

14 Mainframe Computers 14

15 Uses of Mainframe Computer Use in large organization such as banks, educational institutions and Government departments etc. Airline use these computers to maintain flight schedules and ticket reservation 15

16 3) Minicomputer also called mid-range servers more powerful computers than micro-computers in terms of processing power and capabilities It can serve up to several hundred connected user simultaneously It is normally access by users through a personal computer Departmental systems and Network Servers are the examples of minicomputer 16

17 Minicomputer 17

18 Micro Computer Microcomputer is also called Personal Computer A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU) It includes a microprocessor, memory, and input/output (I/O) facilities Microcomputers became popular in the 1970s and 1980s with the advent of increasingly powerful microprocessors 18

19 Micro Computer 19

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