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PLATE TECTONICS. Plate Tectonics  Earths crust and mantle are separated into sections called plates that move  How?

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2 Plate Tectonics  Earths crust and mantle are separated into sections called plates that move  How?

3 The Layers  The crust and upper mantle  Solid, rigid, brittle  10 km thick  The lower mantle  Solid, but can flow  700 km thick LithosphereAsthenosphere


5 Lithospheric Plates  The rigid lithosphere moves around on top of the asthenosphere  The planet is divided into sections or plates (like rafts that float on the asthenosphere)

6 How do they move?  Convection cells  Utilizing the following terminology, describe how you think a convec- tion cell might work: convection cell, heat, cool, density

7 Convection Cells

8  Convection is the transfer of heat as material circulates.  The heat causes the lower mantle to expand  The heated material rises  Runs along the lithosphere  It cools and goes back down to the core

9 How do they move?  Subduction zones  Utilizing the following terms, describe how you think subduction may work: lithospheric plates, meet, dense

10 Subduction Zone

11 Subduction Zones  Two lithospheric plates meet  The denser plate subducts underneath the less dense plate

12 Plate Boundaries  Whenever two plates meet they form boundaries

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