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Body Language Problems Body Language Problems Oral Presentation Module 4 – Assignment 4.2 Professor Mary Ann Toledo Raquel Soto Vargas English 2050 ‘Online’

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1 Body Language Problems Body Language Problems Oral Presentation Module 4 – Assignment 4.2 Professor Mary Ann Toledo Raquel Soto Vargas English 2050 ‘Online’ Criminal Justice, B.A.

2 Introduction Did you know that while you're saying one thing during a speech, your body could be telling your audience something entirely different? As a public speaker, it's critical that you become aware of what your body is "saying" to your audience. Even if you're simply nervous, shy, cold or physically uncomfortable, you must make your movements and stance correspond with your verbal delivery. Here, we'll look at some common body language errors made by even seasoned presenters and how you can learn to avoid them when in front of a crowd.

3 Body Language Problems & Solutions Crossed Arms Crossing your arms creates an instant barrier between you and whomever you're speaking to. You're essentially telling everyone, "I am not being completely open; I'm going to hide some part of me." Often, presenters who have a habit of standing with their arms crossed are seen as "deceptive" or "untrustworthy". Solution: Work on Being "Open" The next time you notice that you're about to cross your arms (or have already done so), slowly allow them to fall comfortably next to you. If you're restless, try holding on to the podium or table in front of you, thereby giving your limbs something to do.

4 Body Language Problems & Solutions Not Making Eye Contact During a presentation, a public speaker needs to be able to make eye contact with the audience members. Typically, that contact only lasts for 1-2 seconds per person, but it's essential. By not matching the gaze of others, the presenter's body is saying, "I don't want to look at you because I'm not telling the truth." Solution: Practice Eye Contact Whenever you speak with another person, make certain to force yourself to make eye contact. If you're at a party and are standing in a small group of 3-4 people, practice moving your gaze from one person to the next while you're talking. Eventually, this will become more natural and will not feel forced when you're making speeches.

5 Body Language Problems & Solutions Showing No Expression Have you ever seen someone who speaks without exhibiting any expressions at all? It's almost eerie and definitely disconcerting. Onlookers usually wonder if the person is interested in his or her topic area and may eventually tune the speaker out, assuming (often wrongly) that the subject matter can't be that important. Solution: Use the Mirror to Rehearse The next time you are scheduled to publicly speak, rehearse in front of a mirror, paying special attention to your facial expressions. Are you smiling? Do you seem approachable, believable and friendly? Are you sending the right message with your eyes, mouth and eyebrows? As you become more comfortable allowing yourself to show emotions, your speeches will be stronger and better received.

6 Body Language Problems & Solutions Wandering Around the Stage or Room Are your legs restless? Do you rock back and forth while talking or move aimlessly around, uncertain where to stop? This is not only distracting for audience members, it also makes them feel uneasy, as if you're going to bolt out the door at any given moment! Solution: Plant Yourself and Only Move Deliberately This is an extremely common problem faced by many public speakers, but overcoming it will require some serious resolve. You'll have to be ultra-aware of where your feet are at all times, and you may simply have to "plant" yourself in one spot for the duration of your talk. Of course, if you're planning on speaking for a long time, you may wish to move occasionally; however, when you do, be deliberate. Pick a spot, walk there (slowly) and remain there.

7 Conclusion Body language comprises gesture, stance, and facial expression: These are all the more important when all eyes of an audience are upon you. When you are presenting, strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool in helping you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your listeners. It also helps your listeners focus more intently on you and what you're saying.

8 References Caffrey, A. (2010); The Importance of Body Language When Public Speaking Retrieved in: body-language-when-public-speaking.html English 2050 – 3357 Online, (2014); Module 4, Assignment 4.2; Body Language Problems; Retrieved in:

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