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New Jersey State Board for Career and Technical Education June 1, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "New Jersey State Board for Career and Technical Education June 1, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Jersey State Board for Career and Technical Education June 1, 2016

2 Overview What is career readiness? Current and Emerging Workforce Expectations and Needs Career Ready Practices Status of Career & Technical Education Programs Examples of School Implementation Vision for the future

3 Career Readiness College and Career Ready Interdisciplinary instruction Contextual learning Problem based Critical thinking New model for teaching & learning to engage & prepare students for future success

4 Insights from the Workforce Dennis Bone, Chairman of the State Employment and Training Commission Director of the Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship School of Business Montclair State University


6 Career Ready Practices

7 Lower Cape May Regional School District Christopher Kobik, Superintendent Kathy Parker, Business Education Teacher Christopher Vitale, High School English Teacher Ashley Vogelei, Middle School Social Studies Teacher

8 What is a CTE Program? Coherent and rigorous sequence of at least 3 courses aligned to academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills. Provides technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or leads to an associate or baccalaureate degree. Includes applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, technical and employability skills, work attitudes, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry. Is informed by business/industry needs through an advisory committee Provides students opportunities for work-based learning and student leadership

9 NJ CTE Secondary Enrollment Data Reported in 2015 Consolidated Annual Report Total = 76,764 students – Completers: 13,617 – Concentrators: 28,297 – Participants: 34,850 County Vocational-Technical School Districts (21) – 31,091 −Full-time programs −Shared-time programs Comprehensive High School Districts (97) – 45,673

10 Comprehensive HS CTE Enrollment

11 Reasons for Decline Based on focus group feedback held last year: Perception of CTE ( Parents, Community, Educators) Focus on Academics (Advanced Placement or CTE?) Scheduling Issues (students don’t have time to complete 3 courses) Teacher certification Limited local expertise to develop quality CTE programs

12 Career Clusters ® Framework 16 Career Clusters 79 Career Pathways


14 CTE Students Earning College Credit 2014-2015 TOTAL Students Earning College Credit 7,710

15 County Vocational School Partnership Grants Increase the number of high-quality career and technical education programs that provide multiple career pathways for students Serve more students in high-quality CTE programs $3M appropriated in FY15 and FY 16 County Vocational Schools partner and utilize facilities not owned by them to replicate existing or create new CTE program

16 County Vocational Partnership Grants DistrictProgram Facility Used to Operate Program Post-Secondary PartnerBusiness, Industry, Bergen Co VocMechantronics Bergen County Community College -Bergen Community College -New Jersey Institute for Technology -Stryker Orthopedics -Triangle Manufacturing -Sandvik Coromant -Commerce & Industry Association of New Jersey -Bergen WIB Morris Co Voc Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing County College of Morris -County College of Morris -New Jersey Institute of Technology -New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc -ManufactureNJ Talent Network Mercer Co VocSTEM – PLTW Engineering Mercer County Community College KNF Neuberger Palfinger Nordson EFD Guam, Inc Lawrence Mold and Tool Salem Co Voc Law Enforcement, Firefighter, EMT Salem County Emergency Management Complex Salem County Community College Salem County Dept. of Emergency Services Hunterdon Co Voc Computer Science Engineering PLTW Delaware Valley High School Raritan Valley Community College Kean Rutgers Rowan University Hunterdon Healthcare System Hudson Co VocFood PreparationHarrison High School Hudson County Community College Pomptonian Food Service Camden Co VocLaw Enforcement Camden Co College -Camden Co Metro Police

17 Morris County School of Technology Scott Moffitt, Superintendent Shari Castelli, Director of Curriculum and Programs

18 Comprehensive High Schools & CTE Addressing the needs of all students Community and business involvement Industry-valued credential attainment Postsecondary articulation Multiple Career Pathways

19 Union City High School Ms. Deborah Addas, School-to-Career Coordinator Ms. Kimberly Moreno, Health Science Teacher Mr. Mathew Abril – graduate of Union City High School

20 Building Capacity for Career Pathways: A Pilot Program for Comprehensive High Schools To increase access and opportunities for students to participate in high-quality CTE programs in comprehensive high schools, delivered through career pathways leading to careers with high labor market demand and family-sustaining wages. Five-year grant/ $100K per year Eight districts with high schools selected – diverse demographics Professional development – June 2016 Summer Institute Intensive capacity building and support

21 Building Capacity for Career Pathways: A Pilot Program for Comprehensive High Schools Selected Districts: Cumberland Regional School District Passaic School District Vernon Township School District Freehold Regional School District Northern Valley Regional School District Orange Public School District Elizabeth Public Schools Ocean Township School District

22 JPMorgan Chase New Skills for Youth Grant

23 Goals To dramatically increase the number of students who successfully complete career pathways that begin in secondary school and culminate in postsecondary degrees and/or industry credentials with labor market value; and (focus on underserved individuals and communities). To catalyze transformational approaches to the design and implementation of programs and policies to increase students’ career-readiness.

24 Objectives Demand Driven and Employer-Led Processes Rigor and Quality in Career Pathways for ALL Students Career Focused Accountability Systems Scaled Pathways that Culminate in Credentials Align State and Federal Funding Streams Ensure Cross-Institutional Alignment

25 Phase One New Jersey is one of 24 states awarded the $100,000 grant. A six-month plan for design, development, and early implementation Focus on underserved students and communities An intensive assessment of current career preparation system, including CTE, to identify strengths and gaps that will inform their comprehensive career readiness action plan Engagement of key stakeholder groups including workforce development, parents, teachers, counselors, higher education, business & industry, district leaders, and community groups

26 Proposed Future Direction Focused attention on career awareness, exploration and advisement for all students Providing authentic, real-world experiences for students linked to career interests Personalized learning; interdisciplinary instruction; (not academic vs. technical) for ALL students Enhanced communication, especially to parents and students on viable career pathways for student success

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