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PowerPoint Presentation Background I used a make-believe school name; however, the data presented on this PowerPoint is actual data from Colorado Department.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Presentation Background I used a make-believe school name; however, the data presented on this PowerPoint is actual data from Colorado Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Presentation Background I used a make-believe school name; however, the data presented on this PowerPoint is actual data from Colorado Department of Education for Stein Elementary in Lakewood, Colorado. It compares Stein’s 3 rd Grade CSAP Writing scores to the rest of the Jefferson County School District and to state of Colorado. This PowerPoint is intended to be something that could actually be used during a 3 rd grade team data meeting. The objective is to use a formula (R-I-D-E), to involve teachers in a more effective data analysis process.

2 R-I-D-E the Waves of Data Analysis for Success Kimberly Logue Super Star Academy

3 Objectives – Our Journey Review CSAP writing data in your grade level teams. Identify student’s strengths and weaknesses. Discuss instructional strategies for improvement. Extend ideas into the classroom. We will utilize more focused data analysis to increase student achievement.

4 Outcome – Our Destination Better Explaining Analyzing Collaboration and Help

5 Review Data (bar graph) Source: Colorado Department of Education

6 Review Data (table) CSAPStudents Tested% Proficient or Better% Advanced TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Writing2004359591553385446252101612 Writing20053545807538223766564129 Writing200636058175465034615221611 Writing20073675793564274063551129 Writing2008350599857922405950121410 Writing20093596030600804963533129 Writing20103796034611723557513119 Source: Colorado Department of Education

7 Identify Data Analysis What patterns and trends do you notice? – (Do not discuss ways to fix these trends yet) – Brainstorm (2 minutes): Write down three trends or patterns that stand out to you on a piece of paper. – Table Talk (2 minutes for each person): Share one thing with your teammates.

8 Discuss Data Analysis Why do you think these trends happened? – Each person share out one idea – Choose the most noticed trend or most “needed” and perform the root cause analysis Each problem is an opportunity. It contains the information needed to eliminate the problem. But to identify the root cause, we have to ask “Why?” over and over, until we reach it. - NASA

9 Discuss Data Analysis After deciding the root cause… What are the teacher/school-level factors that we can fix? – Create a list of 3-5 factors on a piece of chart paper – (Do not discuss attendance, parent involvement, ethnicity, etc.)

10 Extend Data-based Action Plan What are 3-5 instructional strategies you can implement in your classroom for the next three weeks? – Week 1: __________________________ – Week 2: __________________________ – Week 3: __________________________

11 Summary/Conclusions We reviewed 3 rd grade CSAP writing data. We reviewed 3 rd grade CSAP writing data. We identified patterns and trends. We identified patterns and trends. We discussed the root cause and teacher/school-level factors. We discussed the root cause and teacher/school-level factors. We will extend our data analysis into our classrooms to help our students succeed. We will extend our data analysis into our classrooms to help our students succeed.

12 Instructional Recommendations 3 rd Grade Goals: Continue reviewing writing samples on a bi- weekly basis. Implement student-created checklists and rubrics. Provide more prompt choices that are male and female friendly.

13 Instructional Recommendations (continued) 3 rd Grade Goals: Prompt students to plan-talk-write on every assignment. Connect reading and writing every day. Incorporate writing into all content areas. Include a type of summary (orally or written) every day across all content areas.

14 References Microsoft Office ClipArt NASA df School Digger and Colorado Department of Education 5/school.aspx?entity=37&grade=3#aboutGraph

15 Discussion 1. How will you evaluate this session to determine whether your objectives/outcomes have been met? Include your rationale. I will evaluate this session to determine whether my objectives and outcomes have been met by taking anecdotal notes during implementation of the new data team meeting format (R-I-D-E). I will also conduct a short survey about the effectiveness of this new format. Teachers will need to write: Something they liked, something they didn’t like, and make suggestions for future meetings.

16 Discussion 2. How will you make this presentation interactive--- with a focus on participant engagement? The goal of the new (R-I-D-E) format for data team meetings is to encourage focused participant engagement. I have included activities such as brainstorming, table talk, root cause analysis, focused discussions and writing team goals. It should provide teachers with less unfocused time that usually happens at data meetings. It provides a way for teachers to analyze data and discuss new strategies that they can implement for three weeks or longer.

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