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Environmental Regulation Prof. David Glazier April 12, 2007 PropertyProperty.

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1 Environmental Regulation Prof. David Glazier April 12, 2007 PropertyProperty

2 Today’s Class Zoning Overview Refresher Spot Zoning State v. City of Rochester [Minnesota] Environmental Regulation Palazzolo v. Rhode Island Tahoe Sierra Preservation Council Course Wrap-up Scheduling

3 Zoning Overview Exercise of state police power, requiring: (1) Statutory delegation to localities (2) Comprehensive zoning plan development* (3) Zoning ordinance legislatively enacted after public hearings* Zoning enacted in accordance with these rules is presumptively valid

4 Euclidean Zoning Single Family Homes Duplex Homes Multi-family Apartments Commercial use/Schools/Churches Light Industry Heavy Industry

5 Spot zoning Single parcel rezoned for more intensive use Benefits property owner vice public Similar property nearby not rezoned Rezoning incompatible with comprehensive plan “Spot zoning” presumptively invalid

6 What else could it be?

7 Pre-existing (“Non-conforming”) Uses - Non-conforming uses may continue unless detrimental to public welfare, safety, or health - Owner may make “necessary additions” needed for “natural expansion” of use - Non-conforming use is alienable - May be terminated only -- if a nuisance -- abandoned -- taken by eminent domain -- discontinued for set time -- destroyed For sale: $254,000

8 Special Exception Use contrary to basic zoning but conditionally authorized by zoning ordinance - Legislative body authorizes as policy -- specifies specific criteria -- Zoning Bd to approve if criteria met - Ordinance must provide substantial guidance -- vague ordinances are unconstitutional -- Zoning Bd discretion must be limited

9 VarianceVariance Authorized zoning deviation for special hardship - Area: departure from size/setback rules - Use: allows normally prohibited use* Criteria: - Special conditions result in literal enforcement of ordinance creating unnecessary hardship - Not contrary to public interest - “Spirit” of ordinance observed * Subject to more rigorous review Many jurisdictions disallow

10 State v. City of Rochester R-1 R-2

11 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) Basic chronology: 1959: 1962-69: 1971: 1978: 1983: > 1992:

12 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) Two key issues presented:

13 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) Succession of ownership:

14 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) Loss of value: Criteria: - regulation’s economic effect - reasonable investment-backed expectations - character of government action

15 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) Two key issues presented:

16 Palazzolo v. Rhode Island (2001) No economic value – Lucas - always a taking Substantial impact – Penn Central - can be a taking Broad public scheme – Euclid - not a taking

17 Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (S. Ct. 2002) Issue? Note narrowness of court’s review - Penn Central “disavowed” - 4 of 7 theories foreclosed

18 Tahoe-Sierra (2002) Holding?

19 The End is in Sight! Tuesday, April 17: Exactions (Last Class) Read Nollan v. CA Coastal Commission pp. 1042-49 Read Dolan v. City of Tigard pp. 1049-57 Office hours today: 1-1:30 and 3-3:30 Tomorrow (Friday): 12-3 Next week: T 1-3:30 and W 10-12 Review session (subject to room availability)? Thursday April 26 at 2? Friday April 27 at 10/12/2?

20 Schedule Issues - Review session? -- Think about it, inputs by Thursday - Office Hours? -- T/Th 2:00 – 3:30 -- T + W next week -- afterwards?

21 Questions?

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