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By Rosine Biraheka. Town of Bukavu Agenda Brief overview Land distribution Access to land Types of tenure Situation in urban and rural areas Way.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rosine Biraheka. Town of Bukavu Agenda Brief overview Land distribution Access to land Types of tenure Situation in urban and rural areas Way."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rosine Biraheka

2 Town of Bukavu



5 Agenda Brief overview Land distribution Access to land Types of tenure Situation in urban and rural areas Way forward

6 Overview Third-largest country in Africa Total land area : 2,267,000 square kms. Population in 2008: 64 million,over 250 ethnic groups Approximately 66% of the population is rural and 34% urban. Land administration system not yet strong due to several civil wars Legislations are there but usually not enforced…

7 Land distribution The Ministry of Land Affairs: responsible for urban and rural land and land administration. various departments: handle registration, surveys, management of state land concessions provide a land dispute service During colonial areas: only whites had access to private land There rest: communal lands by traditional authorities Customary system parallel with formal system After independence: all lands nationalised In urban areas: formally owned plots and squatting

8 Access to land Rural areas: free, token to traditional authority A document attesting you were given the land Nowadays : Pay, Corruption Businessmen allocated big plots Document given then registration in town to get the title Urban areas: transactions between buyer and seller No agents Usually fast

9 Types of tenure Lands belongs to state, people are given Right of lease in perpetuity. No freehold. Long term concessions Rural Areas: before : no formal document. Verbal testimonies Nowadays : formalisation, registration at the cadastre Document : certificate No title deed as such Urban areas: formal document Registration at the cadastre Certificate Then Title deed after a long while

10 Situation in Urban areas Formal land: Long term concessions granted by State Mostly Informal constructions, though beautiful houses. Informal market transactions No clear regulations on zoning, no approval of building plans Majority with no proof of right formal document: Certificate Then Title deed after a long while Registration at the cadastre

11 Situation in Rural areas Large commercial holdings: concession granted by State Small holdings: governed by customary law Before : no formal document. Verbal testimonies Nowadays : formalisation, registration at the cadastre Document : certificate No title deed as such Inexistent proof of ownership Sources of serious conflict: Hence need for registration Women have right in land Cannot be evicted from family land in case the husband dies Right to inherit


13 Way forward… Surveying of plots demarcation Plot allocation in peri-urban areas Individual “jetton” given

14 For more information a_powerpoint.pdf a_powerpoint.pdf untry-profiles/full- reports/USAID_Land_Tenure_Democratic_Republic_ of_Congo_Profile_0.pdf untry-profiles/full- reports/USAID_Land_Tenure_Democratic_Republic_ of_Congo_Profile_0.pdf

15 Thank you very much for you attention

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