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City of San Diego Major LCP Amendment No. 2-10 (Pt. Loma Townhomes Re-submittal) November 17, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "City of San Diego Major LCP Amendment No. 2-10 (Pt. Loma Townhomes Re-submittal) November 17, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of San Diego Major LCP Amendment No. 2-10 (Pt. Loma Townhomes Re-submittal) November 17, 2010

2 Background On October, 7, 2008 San Diego City Council approved an amendment to General Plan, Peninsula Community Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP ) to: On October, 7, 2008 San Diego City Council approved an amendment to General Plan, Peninsula Community Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP ) to: – Re-designate a 1.65-acre site at 1275 Scott St. from Industrial, Commercial Fishing and Marine-Related to Mixed Commercial – Implement zoning by allowing a mixed-use project with a Planned Development Permit (PDP) – LCP amendment withdrawn from Coastal Commission certification hearing on Feb. 11, 2010

3 Modifications Suggested by California Coastal Commission Staff (abbreviated) The 1.65 acre property bounded by Carleton, Dickens and Scott Streets and the port tidelands shall be designated Commercial/Recreation The 1.65 acre property bounded by Carleton, Dickens and Scott Streets and the port tidelands shall be designated Commercial/Recreation …Residential uses may be permitted but only on the upper floors; only commercial leaseholds, live/work quarters and required off-street parking may be located on the ground/street-level …Residential uses may be permitted but only on the upper floors; only commercial leaseholds, live/work quarters and required off-street parking may be located on the ground/street-level

4 Policy Implications for Commercial Recreation Designated lands under City of San Diego Jurisdiction

5 Proposed Land Use Modifications would not adversely affect visitor-serving policies Several uses identified by CPCI and included in Suggested Modifications are visitor-serving commercial uses that support adjacent Port Tidelands: Several uses identified by CPCI and included in Suggested Modifications are visitor-serving commercial uses that support adjacent Port Tidelands: – Marine sales/service – Hotels – Beachwear sales – Nautical chart/map businesses – Restaurants

6 CPCI suggested text change to Suggested Modification: CPCI suggested text change to Suggested Modification: Commercial leaseholds and required off-street parking should be located on the ground floor, however, residential uses and live/work quarters may be considered through discretionary review as a possible ground floor use. Special consideration for ground-floor residential prohibition should be given to water-dependent properties as well as those properties which provide direct coastal access. Special consideration for ground-floor residential prohibition should be given to water-dependent properties as well as those properties which provide direct coastal access.

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