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Dr. Matthew Izett FY1 Mrs. Scarlett McNally Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon & Director Medical Education Mr. Salim Shubber Emergency Medicine Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Matthew Izett FY1 Mrs. Scarlett McNally Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon & Director Medical Education Mr. Salim Shubber Emergency Medicine Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Matthew Izett FY1 Mrs. Scarlett McNally Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon & Director Medical Education Mr. Salim Shubber Emergency Medicine Consultant & Clinical Tutor East Sussex Hospitals Trust

2  Background: Induction and Mandatory Training  What was the Problem?  Our Solution  Our Study  Our Conclusion

3  Covers: ◦ General: Blood transfusion/fire/etc ◦ Local Procedures and policies  NHS Litigation Authority ◦ Risk Management Standards for Acute Trusts 2010 ◦ Standards ‘Competent and Capable Workforce’  Care Quality Commission ◦ Common Induction Standards

4  Happy (but bored)  The wards: frantic!

5  Didactic Lecture Sessions 8am – 3pm ◦ Lacked participant engagement ◦ Two sites: video-conferencing failures!  Poor Attendance ◦ Bleeped away/Post nights : Didn’t Attend! ◦ Occupational Health ◦ 2009 - 68% of Junior Doctors completed ◦ High administrative burden chasing ‘non completers’

6  Clinical / Patient safety ◦ Frantic Wards: Minimal Doctors ◦ Less time for ‘clinical handover’ ◦ Less time for departmental induction  Foundation School o Trust visit report mention

7 1. On-line induction o Developed ‘modules’ for each subject o Module = Slides and Assessment o Available online prior to starting post o Required registration o Allowed users to complete modules at leisure o Enabled administrative ability to check completion 2. Quick “merry-go-round” on arrival ◦ Parking / Badges / Medical staffing 3. Departmental induction scheduled AM 4. Occ. health batched by specialty





12  Retrospective analysis of ◦ Efficacy ◦ User perception of Online Training  Questionnaire assessing: ◦ Ease of use ◦ Recall ◦ Quality ◦ Relevance ◦ Free text



15  High user recall of topic areas.  Overall quality of the Induction modules and Mandatory Training overall rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ by 66% users.  Median time to complete: 2 hours

16  Administrative ◦ Increase in completion rate to 100% ◦ Reduced administrative time “chasing” ◦ Easy to slot in late starters ◦ Easy to induct those starting rotation elsewhere (e.g. first 4 months in Psychiatry)  Doctors available on wards for patient safety  Clinical handover possible  Departmental induction planned in morning

17 Increase in training completion

18  Online training highly effective and efficient  High rates of recall of completed modules i.e. good impact  Completing training before starting: ◦ ? User reflection on the content ◦ ? Opportunity to address areas of uncertainty prior to starting in the clinical environment.  Better assessment might improve user engagement. Pedagogical aspects

19  Consultant Induction to go online  Specialty Doctor induction to go online  User group to steer changes  Focus on departmental induction ◦ Key clinical things that should not be missed ◦ Team-building

20 “very good way of doing the introduction training” “online version is a much more efficient and interesting way to gain this information”

21 Supporting Excellence In Medical Education 9th National Multi-specialty Conference for Heads of Schools, Programme Directors, Directors of Medical Education 25 & 26 th January 2011 C O G P E D

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