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A 2 : Projecting the Future Integrated Analysis and Advocacy (A 2 ): Using data that's there to move responses that aren't XVII IAC, Mexico City August.

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Presentation on theme: "A 2 : Projecting the Future Integrated Analysis and Advocacy (A 2 ): Using data that's there to move responses that aren't XVII IAC, Mexico City August."— Presentation transcript:

1 A 2 : Projecting the Future Integrated Analysis and Advocacy (A 2 ): Using data that's there to move responses that aren't XVII IAC, Mexico City August 3-8, 2008 Tim Brown

2 What has A 2 achieved to date? Policy change & resource mobilization in real time

3 But we’ve learned some lessons The A 2 approach takes time and resource commitment –Where synthesis specialist part-time things went slower –Tension between sustainability, policy impact and getting the time commitment –Resources needed to sustain staff and activities From design phase, a new A 2 implementation should seek to maximize policy impact –Try to position in organization with a policy role –In recruiting staff look for those with policy linkages already –Put sustained effort into recruiting active Advocacy and Data Use Group

4 Lessons Learned Sustained focus on advocacy needs to be instilled –Too easy to get lost in detailed data analysis –Best data people ≠ best advocacy people –Hire advocacy specialist early and get them active –“Advocacy” can be a loaded word Tools are challenging –AEM and GOALS both have steep learning curves –Linkages still difficult for people –At present requires substantial training and technical support

5 Lessons Learned Important to link to current strategic planning exercises –Linking to strategic planning can lead to long-term impact –Need to educate people on what can be provided Policy direction, costing, response evaluation –Keep strong emphasis on improving data systems Demand is there –Desire exists for guidance at national & sub-national levels –Devolution and decentralization –Requires same philosophy but a simpler approach

6 Implications of lessons learned for A 2 Better guidance is needed: –To speed the process up –To reduce training and support needs –To ensure understanding of philosophical bases Interactive engagement, evidence-based, The tools require simplification Need a simpler version to work at sub-national levels A 2 needs to link more effectively to national SI and M&E systems

7 So how do we address these concerns in next gen A 2 ?

8 Reducing the time for A 2 – limiting factors Data collection Data analysis and extraction Policy modeling Advocacy Improved tools shortens this Forming advocacy relationships takes time First round of data collection and analysis takes time

9 But things do speed up on later rounds New data collection Data analysis & extraction Policy modeling Advocacy Less new data to be considered Fine tuning the picture Familiar with tools Some advocacy relationships already in place

10 Reduce training & support needs A 2 Guidelines –Preparing extensive guidelines on the whole process –300 pages –Almost complete draft being circulated Three “tracks” –Overview – A 2 in about 30 pages –Content and Concepts – detailed description of what to do –Implementer’s Track – material for those who want to do it Latest versions of A2 tools and documentation A2 Advocacy Curriculum Examples of A2 outputs from countries Links or copies of other relevant documents

11 Reduce training & support needs Combine AEM and GOALS into one “idiot- proofed” workbook –In process, expected 4 th quarter 2008 –Consolidate GOALS inputs to one or two sheets Develop a version of AEM that autofits and gives uncertainties –Using Bayesian melding approaches from EPP

12 Reduce data needs to locally useful inputs –Only those that are locally important or actionable, e.g., Size of local FSW, IDU, MSM populations Local levels of condom use, needle sharing –Set others from national “standard” values Determined from national literature review and expert opinion A 2 regional team will provide a simple set of data collection guidelines Provide pre-packaged set of Asia-specific policy analyses Develop A 2 Lite for sub-national application

13 Expand partnerships & linkages for impact Current M&E systems have serious limitations –Lots of indicator collection, little synthesis & analysis –Sustained data quality issues A 2 can fill gap in analyzing/improving data systems and responses, but… –Need access to data being collected in such systems –Need to form bidirectional links to ongoing M&E Being holistic, A 2 offers real evaluation of responses Need closer collaboration with.. –National programs, strategic planners, communities, donors

14 Why is this critical? Asia is poised at the brink…

15 But, if we make the right choices

16 So, which will it be? A resurgent epidemic? Or a contained one?

17 The choice is ours and A 2 can help to show the way

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