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Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 – Front Vowels i I e ɛ æ.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 – Front Vowels i I e ɛ æ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 – Front Vowels i I e ɛ æ

2 Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 – Back Vowels u ʊ o ɔ ɑ

3 Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 – Mid Vowels ʌ ə ɝ ɚ

4 Chapter 9 VOWELS Disk 4 - Diphthongs ɑ I ɑʊ ɔ I e I oʊ

5 i i is a high front tense vowel Spellings for i e as in heei as in receipt ea as in eatis as in debris eo as in peopleae as in Caesar ey as in keyay as in quay i as in marineoe as in Pheonix ee as in seey as in easy ie as in field

6 I I is a high front lax vowel Spellings for I i as in sito as in women e as in Englishei as in forfeit ui as in buildie as in sieve y as in syrup u as in busy ee as in been

7 e e is a mid front tense vowel Spellings for e a as in ate ea as in break ai as in train au as in gauge ey as on prey

8 ɛ ɛ is a mid front lax vowel Spellings for ɛ e as in betie as in friend e as in anyae as in aesthetic eo as in leopardai as in again u as in burialei as in heifer ea as in head

9 æ æ is a low front slightly tense vowel Spellings for æ a as in pat ai as in plaid au as in laugh

10 u u is a high back tense vowel Spellings for u o as in toui as in cruise ew as in crewu as in tuba ou as in youue as in true oe as in shoeeau as in beauty oo as in too

11 U U is a high back lax vowel Spellings for U oo as in Book u as in put ou as in would

12 o o is a mid back tense vowel Spellings for o o as on sooa as in boat ow as in rowoe as in toe ough as in doughoo as on brooch oo as in yeomaneau as in beau

13 ɔ ɔ is a mid back lax vowel Spellings for ɔ aw as in awful o as in wrong au as in laundry ough as in thought augh as in taught

14 ɑ [a] ɑ is a low back lax vowel Spellings for ɑ a as in calmo as in lock ea as in heartow as in knowledge e as in sergeantaa as in bazaar al as in palm

15 ʌ ʌ is a low central stressed vowel Spellings for ʌ u as in up ou as in double oe as in does o as in month oo as in blood

16 ə (schwa) ə is a low, mid-central unstressed vowel Spellings for ə a,e,i,o,u, plus virtually any vowel combination, in unstressed syllables

17 ɝ ɝ is a mid, central, stressed vowel Spellings for ɝ er as in herdur as in turtle ear as in early ir as in first our as in journeyor as in world yr as in myrtleolo as in colonel yrrh as in myrrh

18 ɚ (schwa r) ɚ is a mid-central-unstressed vowel Spellings for ɚ Any vowel and r combination

19 ɑ I ɑ I is a low back vowel gliding to a high front vowel Spellings for ɑ I i as in iceei as in height ie as in lieia as in diamond igh as in lightye as in dye ais as in ailseui as in guile y as in cryey as in eye uy as in buy

20 ɑʊ ɑʊ is a low back vowel gliding to a high back vowel Spellings for ɑʊ ou as in shout ow as in crowd ough as in bough

21 ɔ I ɔ I is a low back vowel gliding to a high front vowel Spellings for ɔ I oy as in joy oi as in coin

22 e I e I is a mid front vowel gliding to a high front vowel Spellings for e I ei as in eight ay as in delay ee as in matinee et as in sachet

23 oʊ oʊ is a mid back vowel gliding to a high back vowel Spellings for oʊ o as in robe ow as in bowed

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