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Phenylketonuria a) Metabolic block b) Autosomal recessive c) Pleiotropism d) Variable expressivity e) Effective treatment f) Screening.

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Presentation on theme: "Phenylketonuria a) Metabolic block b) Autosomal recessive c) Pleiotropism d) Variable expressivity e) Effective treatment f) Screening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phenylketonuria a) Metabolic block b) Autosomal recessive c) Pleiotropism d) Variable expressivity e) Effective treatment f) Screening

2 Symptoms:(Untreated) 2) Neurological 3) Motoric 1) Anatomical 4) Behavioral Microcephaly (small head) Hypopigmentation (fair eyes, skin, hair) Seizures EEG Abnormalities Hypertonicity (“posturing”) Poor coordination Hyperactivity Attention Problems Lower IQ



5 Tissue ProteinsDiet PhenylalanineTyrosine Phenyalanine hydroxylase (PAH)

6 Tissue ProteinsDiet PhenylalanineTyrosineDOPA Melanin DA (dopamine) NE (norepinephrine) p-hydroxy- phenlypyruvate homogentisic acid thyroxine phenyl- pyruvic acid PAH

7 Tissue ProteinsDiet PhenylalanineTyrosineDOPA Melanin DA (dopamine) NE (norepinephrine) p-hydroxy- phenlypyruvate homogentisic acid thyroxine phenyl- pyruvic acid PKU

8 Tissue ProteinsDiet PhenylalanineTyrosineDOPA Melanin DA (dopamine) NE (norepinephrine) phenyl- pyruvic acid PKU Albinism p-hydroxy- phenlypyruvate homogentisic acid thyroxine Alkaptonuria goitrous cretinism Tyrosinosis

9 Prevalence of PKU: Turkish Celtic, Northern European Other Causacsian Japanese 1/2,500 1/5,000 1/10,000 1/150,000 1/26 1/33 1/50 1/200 Births:Carriers:Ethnic Group:

10 Diet for PKU: 1) Best: Specially prepared, phe-free foods + supplements 2) Next Best: Fruits, juices, certain veggies 3) Bad: grain products, pasta, other veggies (e.g., rice, potatoes, corn, peas) 4) Really Bad: dairy products, eggs, nuts, meats, fish

11 Colorado currently screens for: Biotinidase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Cystic FibrosisCystic Fibrosis (CF) Galactosemia HypothyroidismHypothyroidism (congenital) PhenylketonuriaPhenylketonuria (PKU) Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle Cell Disease (SCD) and HemoglobinopathiesHemoglobinopathies

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