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By Kristine Edwards Standard 6: Objective 1 BeforeAfter.

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2 By Kristine Edwards

3 Standard 6: Objective 1

4 BeforeAfter


6  What is a Protein?  Beef; poultry; fish; eggs; nuts and seeds; and beans and peas.  Proteins make up our bones, muscles, skin, and blood.  Proteins also help build tissues, and blood cells.

7  What is a Vegetable?  Broccoli, Green peas, Spinach, Carrots, Potatoes, Celery  Vegetables help us make new red blood cells, keeps our eyes healthy, and keeps our teeth and gums healthy

8  What is a Fruit?  Apples, Bananas, Strawberries, Grapes, Pineapple  Fruits help us form new blood cells, helps us grow new tissues, and helps us heal wounds.

9  What is a Grain?  Wheat bread, Crackers, Rice, Oatmeal, Cornbread  Grains help the body release energy from proteins and fats throughout the body

10  What is a Dairy?  Milk, Cheese, Puddings, Yogurt, Ice cream  Calcium, which is found in milk, helps build bones and teeth  Calcium also helps maintain bone mass.


12   Introducing the New Food Icon: MyPlate;  The Food Guide Pyramid Becomes a Plate; /healthy_eating/pyramid.html /healthy_eating/pyramid.html


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