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Kassim and the Greedy Pirate’s Treasure

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1 Kassim and the Greedy Pirate’s Treasure

2 Once upon a time there was a poor boy called Kassim who lived on a Pirate Ship, known as ‘The Dirty Dog’. Unfortunately, the Captain was the greediest pirate that sailed the seven seas.

3 Every day, they sailed and they sailed and they sailed
Every day, they sailed and they sailed and they sailed. Every day, they scrubbed and they scrubbed and they scrubbed. Everyday, they robbed the rich, they robbed the poor and they even robbed the seagulls of their treasure –which was only an old fishbone or two!

4 Now – the Captain was so mean that he kept all of the treasure for himself! He had – piles of pearls, barrels of broaches and caskets of jewels. He was so mean that he didn’t give Kassim a thing to eat – no, not even a crumb. “Tell me my name and you can eat,” snarled the Captain but unfortunately, no one knew what he was called.

5 After that, Kassim asked Conger Eel if he knew the Captain’s name, but Conger Eel just wriggled out of it and dived deep into the sea. First, Kassim asked Dolphin if he knew the Captain’s name, but Dolphin just smiled and dived deep into the sea. Next, Kassim asked Great Whale if he knew the Captain’s name, but Great Whale just blew spray and dived deep into the sea.

6 Finally, he asked Old Crab if he knew the Captain’s name and Old Crab said, “The Captain is called ‘Captain Firebrand-with-a-star-on-his-back’.”

7 That night, when the moon was high like a cutlass in the sky, the Captain tucked into a steaming bowl of fish stew. First, Kassim sniffed the wonderful smell. Next, Kassim licked his hungry lips. After that, Kassim took not one, not two but three steps forwards.

8 Finally, he spoke, “Please can I have a bowl of steaming fish stew
Finally, he spoke, “Please can I have a bowl of steaming fish stew?”   The Captain replied, “Tell me my name and you can eat.” So, Kassim replied, “Your name is ‘Captain Firebrand-with-a-star-on-his-back’.”

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