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The Solar System By Kangmin chio ( 도덕 초등학교 ). overview  Introduction  Creation  Mercury  Venus  Earth  Mars  Asteroid Belt  Jupiter  Saturn 

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System By Kangmin chio ( 도덕 초등학교 ). overview  Introduction  Creation  Mercury  Venus  Earth  Mars  Asteroid Belt  Jupiter  Saturn "— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System By Kangmin chio ( 도덕 초등학교 )

2 overview  Introduction  Creation  Mercury  Venus  Earth  Mars  Asteroid Belt  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Conclusion

3 Introduction  The solar system is made up of all the planets that orbit our sun.

4 Creation  Evolved from a big cloud of dust and gas.  The star eventually became our sun

5 Planet  8 planets and 2 categories  Inner space  Divided by the asteroid belt  Outer space

6 Mercury C losest to the sun 4880km in diameter and has no moons Temperature ( 430 °Celsius Maximum, -170 Celsius Minimum) No atmosphere

7 Venus  Similar size, mass, density with Earth  Covered by a thick atmosphere and very hot

8 Earth  Has living things on it  Green planet  Neil Armstrong walked on its moon

9 Mars  The fourth planet form the sun  A small rocky body and is earthlike.

10 Asteroid belt Small rocky bodies Orbit the sun Exists in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.

11 Jupiter  Biggest planet and gaseous planet  143,984km diameter (magnetosphere)  Has rings and moons

12 Saturn Discovered by Galileo Cali lei (astronomer) Surrounded by thin, flat ring

13 Uranus  The 7 Th planet  Take 84 years to make a full orbit  Temperature is 216 degrees Celsius

14 Neptune  The 8 th planet  Discovered by Johann Galle in 1846  Gas giants  Has similar features with Saturn and Uranus

15 Conclusion

16 You can remember the order of the eight (8) planets using the mnemonic sentence below:  "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos."  (Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune)

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