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Ecstasy during Adolescents and Effects By: Jeanielle.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecstasy during Adolescents and Effects By: Jeanielle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecstasy during Adolescents and Effects By: Jeanielle

2 Depending on the dosage of ecstasy an adolescent takes, what short term effect could it have on them and how many adolescents take ecstasy now?

3 What Is Ecstasy? Please click on the link in the comment to watch the video. Thank You

4 Ecstasy Statistics Different parts of the world and different age group take take ecstasy.

5 Ecstasy Statistics Compared to Other Drugs

6 Effects of Ecstasy on younger and older adolescents Ages 12-17Ages 18-25  Drug goes through body faster (because its not fully developed yet)  Symptoms appear quicker  Affects the brain faster (because body and brain is not fully developed yet)  Effects occur within 20-60 minutes after in take  Small dosages won’t make one loose control (because body is developed)  Damage to the brain is not big compared to ages 12-17

7 Low-Medium Effects of Ecstasy A sudden boost of energy and confidence A sudden feeling of closeness to strangers Blurred vision Involuntary teeth clenching Chills and sweating Muscle Cramping

8 High Dosage of Ecstasy High blood pressure Faintness Panic attacks Loss of consciousness Seizures (severe cases) Floating sensations (hallucinations) Vomiting

9 Conclusion Ecstasy is a gateway drug Different age group and dosage gives out different effects Effects can be severe or not but is still dangerous

10 Reference Ecstasy Facts & Statistics, Teen Substance Abuse Prevention: Foundation for a Drug Free World. (n.d.). Drug Free World: Substance & Alcohol Abuse, Education & Prevention. Retrieved December 3, 2012, from NIDA for Teens: Facts on Drugs - Ecstasy. (n.d.). NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse. Retrieved December 3, 2012, from Teen Ecstasy Abuse – Symptoms of Ecstasy Addiction – Side Effects of Teen Ecstasy Abuse. (n.d.). Alcohol and Drug Rehab Programs – Addiction Treatment Centers. Retrieved December 3, 2012, from Ecstasy Statistics. (n.d.). Ecstasy presented by ecstasy. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from

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