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The Key to Increasing Student Achievement Central Michigan University Center for Charter Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "The Key to Increasing Student Achievement Central Michigan University Center for Charter Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key to Increasing Student Achievement Central Michigan University Center for Charter Schools

2  Understand the research on effective schools  Increase consciousness concerning self- reflection and improved student performance  Utilize the school improvement plan to establish a cyclical process of evaluation, action, and review

3  Welcome  Effective Schools  Reflection  Using Self-Reflection to Improve Student Performance  Final Reflection and Closing

4 “We can, whenever and wherever we chose, successfully teach all children whose schools is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to know to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” Edmonds

5  Attainment and Progress Reflection on student progress toward targets  Teaching and Learning Reflection on quality assurance of lesson planning, delivery of instruction and student learning  Leadership and Management Reflection on implementation of the plan and performance management

6 Attainment Level of knowledge, understanding, and skills shown on nationally-normed assessments, lesson assessments, benchmark assessments, etc.

7 Progress How well students learn, and how well they make progress relative to their starting point

8  Are most students on track?  Are most students not on track?  What intervention strategies are planned?  What has been the impact of the intervention on students who are not achieving?  What is the evidence?

9 Teaching Academic process by which students are motivated to learn in ways that make a sustained, substantial, and positive influence on how they think, act, and feel Process includes lesson design and delivery

10 Learning How well the student responds to teaching Process includes examination of student work and response to the student voice

11  What are formal lesson observations revealing?  What does the scope and sequence of planning instruction revealing?  What are the daily lesson plans revealing?  What is the examination of student work revealing?  What are the students telling us about classroom teaching?

12 Process whereby leadership manages all aspects of the improvement process Process includes answerability of all students and staff

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