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Dots, Dashes, and other Fun Marks. Northeastern Semitic Old Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Northwest Semitic Mari tablets Ugarit tablets Amarna letters.

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Presentation on theme: "Dots, Dashes, and other Fun Marks. Northeastern Semitic Old Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Northwest Semitic Mari tablets Ugarit tablets Amarna letters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dots, Dashes, and other Fun Marks


3 Northeastern Semitic Old Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Northwest Semitic Mari tablets Ugarit tablets Amarna letters South Semitic Arabic Ethiopian CanaaniteAramaic


5 Hebrew Developments Vowel markers added by Massortes Qumran scrolls show evidence of other sorts of vowel markers Massoretic text does not show evidence of attempts to iron out textual difficulties

6 Fr Gd s lvd th wrld tht h gv hs ‘nly bgttn sn tht whvr blvs ‘n hm shld nt prsh bt hv ‘trnl lf

7 ; ; A W <. _'_' ' e Pathah Kamets Seghol Tsere Hirek Kibbuts Shurek Holem u A E I O U “A” as in Hat “E” as in Met “E” as in They “I” as in Machine “O” as in Roll “U” as in Put “U” as in True “A” as in Father

8 ; ; A W <.. _'_' ' e Pathah Kamets Seghol Tsere Hirek Kibbuts Shurek Holem u

9 Pathah tyIB; - “House” Hirek

10 %v,xo; - “Darkness” Seghol B Aramaic word for “cluster” (of grapes)

11 ba' Father

12 ~d'a' Man

13 ha' Brother

14 vyai Man

15 tyIB; House

16 !Be Son

17 rh; Mountain

18 bAj Good

19 ~Ay Day

20 lAq Voice

21 ~ve Name


23 yr;f' Sarai

24 ~Wxn" Nahum

25 !roh]a; Aaron

26 qx'c.yI Issac

27 hmol{v. Solomon

28 tyMil;Wv Shulamite

29 ha'le Leah

30 !yIq; Cain

31 hy"[.v;y> Isaiah

32 rm'T' Tamar

33 ![;n"K. Canaan

34 ~yIr'c.mi Egypt

35 rWa Ur

36 lb,B' Babylon

37 ba'Am Moab

38 !ADgIm. Megiddo

39 ~l;iv'Wry> Jerusalem

40 ~r'a] Aram

41 !Der>y: Jordan

42 ~yhil{a/ ar'B' tyviareB. taew> ~yIm;V'h; tae `#r,a' h; In Beginning He created God the Heavens and the Earth

43 hf,[]n: ~yhil{a/ rm,aYOw: Wnmel.c;B. ~d'a' WnteW md>K'' And He saidGodWe will make manIn our image Like our likeness

44 ^n>yBe tyvia' hb'yaew> !ybeW hV'aih' !ybeW H['r>z: !ybeW ^[]r>z: And enmityI will putBetween you And between The woman And between Your seed And between Her seed

45 ^p. Wvy > hT'a;w> varo `bqe[' WNp,WvT. aWh He he will bruise your headand you you will bruise his heel bq o[] y:

46 Whbow" Whto ht'y>h' #r Whbow" Whto ht'y>h' #r ynEP.-l[; tp,x,r:m. ~yhil{a/ x:Wrw> ~Aht. ynEP.-l[; %v,xow> ~yIM'h;

47 rAa yhiy> ~yhil{a/ rm,aYOw: rAa-yhiy>w:

48 rAah'-ta, ~yhil{a/ ar>Y:w: ~yhil{a/ lDEb.Y:w: bAj-yKi %v,xoh; !ybeW rAah' !yBe


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