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Epilepsy-Associated Neuroplasticity in the Dentate Gyrus

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1 Epilepsy-Associated Neuroplasticity in the Dentate Gyrus
Bret N. Smith, Ph.D. Epilepsy Center Department of Physiology University of Kentucky

2 No financial relationships to disclose
Disclosure No financial relationships to disclose

3 Educational Need Need = To better understand the relationship between epileptogenesis and reactive synaptic reorganization in the brain.

4 Objectives Describe models of TLE and PTE;
Identify biological similarities and/or differences between models Construct cellular hypotheses to study epileptogenesis; Demonstrate experimentally a set of functional changes in brain circuitry involved in epileptic seizure generation; Identify effects of mTOR inhibition on reactive synaptic reorganization Construct a working model of local-circuit neural plasticity associated with epileptogenesis.

5 Expected Outcome Prompt/reinforce a “translational” mindset regarding development of new therapies for refractory epilepsy, including an appreciation of how mechanistic analyses might influence clinical outcomes.

6 Acknowledgements Laura Haselhorst Jennifer Rios-Pilier Corwin Butler
Kathleen Schoch, PhD Robert F Hunt III, PhD Deepak Bhaskaran, MD, PhD Jeffrey Boychuk, PhD Tim Kubal , MD Heather Shibley, MD Ron Winokur, MD Eva Bach, PhD Katalin Cs Halmos, MPH Dan Liu Stephen Scheff, PhD Kathryn Saatman, PhD Epilepsy Foundation NINDS DoD

7 Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Models
Premise: To study epilepsy preclinically, we need a model that is “epileptic” EPILEPSY (a tendency toward recurrent seizures unprovoked by systemic or neurologic insults) SEIZURE GENERATION (the clinical manifestation of an abnormal and excessive excitation of a population of cortical neurons) vs

8 Characteristics of epilepsy models
In rodents, chemical or electrical induction of status epilepticus (SE) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) leads to TLE. Characteristics in common with patients (from resected tissue): Insult (e.g., kindling, SE, TBI) followed by a “silent period”, then spontaneous seizures; Cellular correlates include selective cell loss, axon sprouting, increased local excitability. Injury Epilepsy Latency SE, TBI Epileptogenesis permanent structure/function change

9 General Hypothesis - Models:
Trauma or period of repetitive seizures leads to the functional destabilization of the temporal lobe and consequent epileptogenesis. Inhibition (too little) -Ionic—inward Cl-, outward K+ currents -Neurotransmitter—GABA Excitation (too much) -Ionic—inward Na+, Ca++ currents -Neurotransmitter—glutamate Glu GABA

10 Specific Hypothesis: Pilocarpine injection in mice leads to SE and
subsequent spontaneous seizures, with cell loss and mossy fiber sprouting Time (weeks) + pilocarpine injection SE Spontaneous sz + MF sprouting

11 Behavioral Seizures Seizure: temporary period of excessive and synchronous neuronal activity Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5

12 Relationship Between SE and TLE
The number of pilocarpine-induced seizures at injection time (SE) “predicts” the success of the model in inducing TLE by 8 weeks. Shibley and Smith, 2002

13 The Hippocampus & Dentate Gyrus
Mouse Database Center for Life Sciences (DCLS)

14 The Hippocampus & Dentate Gyrus
Hilus Granule cell layer Pyramidal cell layer CA3 CA1 PP MF Damaged after TBI Damaged in epilepsy

15 C57BL/6 or CD-1 Mouse: Timm Stain

16 + pilocarpine injection SE Spontaneous sz + MF sprouting
time + pilocarpine injection SE Spontaneous sz + MF sprouting Pyramidal cell layer CA1 CA3 MF PP Hilus Granule cell layer Mg2+-free, 30 mM bicuculline to block GABAA receptors and enhance any glutamatergic responses that might be present.

17 Responses to Hilar Stimulation
…often of long duration and with long and variable latency following the antidromic spike. Antidromic population spike followed by afterdischarge... Winokur et al., 2004 Adapted from Winokur et al., 2004

18 Newly Sprouted Axonal Connections
IML GC Hilus Glutamate Excitation GABA Inhibition

19 TBI and PTE Traumatic brain injury (TBI):
Sudden and direct insult to the brain by mechanical force that disrupts the normal function of the brain Posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE): Recurrent, unprovoked seizures weeks to years after TBI TBI is estimated to be the cause of >20% of symptomatic epilepsy Commonly manifests as TLE or neocortical epilepsy Severity of TBI positively correlated to risk of PTE ( % with mild injury, up to 53% with severe injury) Cortical contusion associated with increased risk (11-22%) vs no contusion

20 Progression of TBI Pathology

21 Controlled Cortical Impact (CCI) Injury
Closed-head TBI Focal injury Models cortical contusion/ impact injury

22 Behavioral Seizures After CCI Injury
Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Hunt et al., J Neurophysiol. (2010) CCI in mice leads to spontaneous seizures with cell loss, mossy fiber sprouting, and synaptic reorganization.

23 Regionally Localized Mossy Fiber Sprouting (MFS) Ipsilateral to Contusion Injury Within 6 Weeks After CCI Ipsilateral + No MFS Ipsilateral + MFS Hunt et al., 2012

24 mTOR Inhibition to Modify Posttraumatic Epileptogenesis
Vol 8, e6408, 2013

25 mTOR Inhibition to Modify Posttraumatic Epileptogenesis
TBI Electrophysiology Histology Daily rapamycin treatment Wks post-TBI 8 10 13 Seizure monitoring

26 Specific Hypothesis: Rapamycin treatment reduces mossy fiber sprouting and increased excitability in the dentate gyrus after CCI IML GC Hilus GABA Inhibition GABA Inhibition Glutamate Excitation Glutamate Excitation

27 Butler et al., Front Sys Nsci (2015)
Rapamycin Treatment Reduces Mossy Fiber Sprouting Ipsilateral to Contusion Injury Butler et al., Front Sys Nsci (2015)

28 Butler et al., Front Sys Nsci (2015)
Neurogenesis Ipsilateral to Contusion Injury is Suppressed by Rapamycin Treatment Neuron 75, 1022–1034, 2012 Butler et al., Front Sys Nsci (2015)

29 Increased Excitability After TBI
Hilus Granule cell layer Pyramidal cell layer CA3 CA1 PP MF Hunt. et al., Exp. Neurol, (2009) Butler et al., Frontiers Sys Nsci (2015)

30 Conclusions - Recurrent Excitatory Synaptic Reorganization in the DG is Suppressed by Rapamycin After CCI Continuous treatment with rapamycin after focal brain injury reduces: Spontaneous seizure prevalence (11-12% vs 40-50%) Mossy fiber sprouting Increased EPSC frequency Evoked population burst after antidromic stimulation Rapamycin modifies post-injury epileptogenesis

31 Traumatic Brain Injury
(too little) (too much) Excitation Inhibition Increased activity New recurrent excitatory connections Excitatory inputs to surviving interneurons Inhibition of granule cells Adult neurogenesis Perisomatic Dendritic 31

32 Butler et al, Exp Neurol (2016)
Altered Inhibition Part 1: Loss of Hilar Inhibitory Interneurons After CCI is Not Attenuated by Rapamycin Butler et al, Exp Neurol (2016)

33 Butler et al, Exp Neurol (2016)
Altered Inhibition Part 1: Reduced GABA Release Onto Granule Cells After CCI is Further Reduced by Rapamycin 1-2 weeks post-injury 8-13 weeks post-injury Hunt et al., J Neurosci. (2011) Butler et al, Exp Neurol (2016)

34 Specific Hypothesis: Mossy fiber sprouting correlates with increased excitability in surviving interneurons after CCI and rapamycin treatment eliminates this “compensation” Glutamate Excitation GABA Inhibition GABA Inhibition Glutamate Excitation

35 Hilar Somatostatin-positive Inhibitory Neurons (eGFP+)
Ipsilateral DAPI eGFP Hilar Interneurons associated with the Perforant Pathway (HIPP)

36 Butler et al., unpublished
Altered inhibition part 2: Increased APs In Cell Attached Recordings from eGFP+ Interneurons Hunt et al., J Neurosci. (2011) Butler et al., unpublished

37 From Where Do These Increased Inputs Arise?
Increased synaptic contacts (miniature EPSC frequency) Increased network-driven input (spontaneous activity & mEPSC/sEPSC ratio) Hypothesis: Rapamycin treatment inhibits new network-driven input to HIPP cells arising from dentate gyrus or CA3 after CCI Mossy Fibers CA3 pyramids

38 0Mg2+ ACSF + 100μM PTX + “caged” glutamate
Photolysis of Caged Glutamate “caged” glutamate “cage” glutamate 0Mg2+ ACSF + 100μM PTX + “caged” glutamate

39 Butler et al., unpublished
Altered Inhibition Part 2: Glutamate Photostimulation of Dentate Granule Cells Ipsilateral to Injury Hunt et al., J Neurosci. (2011) Butler et al., unpublished

40 Butler et al., unpublished
Altered Inhibition Part 2: Glutamate Photostimulation of CA3 Pyramidal Cells Ipsilateral to Injury Hunt et al., J Neurosci. (2011) Butler et al., unpublished

41 Excitability of HIPP Cells After CCI
Increased excitatory synaptic activity in HIPP cells is increased after CCI and is reduced, but not normalized after rapamycin treatment; Increased synaptic input from dentate granule cells after CCI is suppressed by rapamycin treatment, but the increased input from CA3 pyramidal cells is unaffected. Rapamycin treatment reduces DGC-related components of excitatory synaptic reorganization after CCI, but not those related to other areas (CA3).

42 X Normal Epileptic? Epileptic? IML GC Hilus Glutamate Excitation GABA
Inhibition Glutamate Excitation GABA Inhibition X GABA Inhibition Glutamate Excitation

43 Does synaptic reorganization cause TLE?
“Those guys are out of breath and they need more oxygen. So they’re bending over because it helps them breathe if they’re closer to the grass... …’cause there’s oxygen in the grass” --John Madden

44 HIPP cell synaptic reorganization
Normal Epileptic inactivation Seizure Excessive depolarization GABA Inhibition Glutamate Excitation

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