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September 200824th ICNTS Bologna1 Searching for the Magnetic Monopole and Other Highly Ionizing Particles at Accelerators Using NTDs James L. Pinfold University.

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Presentation on theme: "September 200824th ICNTS Bologna1 Searching for the Magnetic Monopole and Other Highly Ionizing Particles at Accelerators Using NTDs James L. Pinfold University."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna1 Searching for the Magnetic Monopole and Other Highly Ionizing Particles at Accelerators Using NTDs James L. Pinfold University of Alberta James L. Pinfold University of Alberta

2 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna2 The Discovery of the North Pole The idea that a magnet has two poles was thought up by a French mercenary Petrus Peregrinus during the siege of Lucera in 1269: “… in this stone you should thoroughly comprehend there are two points of which one is called the North, the remaining one the South.” Epistola de Magnete Petrus Peregrinus (1269) AhA!

3 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna3 Symmetrizing Maxwell  Maxwell, in 1873, makes the connection between electricity & magnetism - the first Grand Unified Theory! Introducing a magnetic monopole makes the Maxwell’s equations symmetric  The symmetrized Maxwell’s equations are invariant under rotations in the plane of the electric and magnetic field  This symmetry is called Duality it means that the distinction between electric and magnetic charge is merely one of definition

4 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna4 Dirac’s Monopole (1)  Paul Dirac in 1931 hypothesized that the magnetic Monopole exists  In his conception the Monopole was the end of an infinitely long infinitely thin solenoid  This was called the “Dirac String”  A depiction of this Dirac string (solenoid) can be seen opposite (c)

5 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna5  Wouldn’t we see the Dirac string?  A particle with charge, say an electron, traveling around some path P in a region with zero magnetic field (B = 0 =  x A) must acquire a phase φ; given in SI units by:  The only way we would NOT see the Dirac string is if the wave function of the electron only acquired a “trivial phase” i.e.  = n2  (n =1,2,3..). That is, if: Dirac’s Monopole (2) e-e-

6 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna6 Dirac’s Monopole (3)  Hence Dirac’s quantization condition:  Where g is the “magnetic charge” and  is the fine structure constant 1/137.  This means that g=68.5e (when n=1)!  We can turn this around IF there is a magnetic monopole then:  If free quarks exist then the minimal electric charge is e/3…the minimal magnetic charge is then 3g Charge is quantized!!

7 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna7 Monopole Properties Magnetic Charge e=electron charge g D = ћc/2e =68.5e Magnetic Charge e=quark charge =1/3 g D  3g D g D  3g D Electric charge =0. Dyon electric charge=1,2,3... Coupling constant a m = g D 2 /ћc a m = g D 2 /ћc =34.25 =34.25 Energy gain in a B-field: W= ng D BL = n20.5 keV/ Spin Spin Usually taken as 0 or 1/2 0 or 1/2 Monopole mass FREE PARAMETER See next slide Colour Charge Colour Charge Usually assumed to be 0 to be 0 Energy loss Energy loss By ionization By ionization (dE/dx) MM (dE/dx) MM = 4700 (dE/dx) MIP See subsequent slides See subsequent slides Monopole trajectory is “parabolic” in the r-Z plane of a solenoidal field and r-Z plane of a solenoidal field and straight in the r-  plane Production at Accelerators usually assumed to be via Drell-Yan or Photon Fusion GUT monopoles can catalyse proton decay via the Rubakov-Callan Mechanism.

8 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna8 Magnetic Monopole Energy Loss 10 -4 <  <10 -2 Excitation Medium as Fermi gas (b) 10 -4 <  <10 -3 Drell effect M + He  M + He* + Penning effect He*+ CH 4  He + CH 4 + e - (coupling of the atom magnetic moment with the MM magnetic charge)  < 10 -4 Elastic collisions (c)  > 10 -2 Ionization (à la Bethe-Bloch) (Ze eq ) 2 = (gb) 2 (a) for b = 1 : (dE/dx) MM = 4700 (dE/dx) m.i.p.

9 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna9 Track Etch Monopole Detectors Look for aligned etch pits In multiple sheets  The passage of a highly ionizing particle through the plastic track-etch detector (eg CR39) is marked by an invisible damage zone along the trajectory.  The damage zone is revealed as a cone shaped etch- pit when the plastic detector is etched in a controlled manner using a hot sodium hydroxide solution.

10 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna10 Types of NTDs Commonly Used CR39 Rodyne/Makrofol UG-5 PLASTIC GLASS

11 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna11 The Etching Procedure (to be used by MoEDAL - and used by SLIM)  Two etching conditions have been defined:  Strong etching: 8N KOH + 1.25% Ethyl alcohol 77°C 30 h  Soft etching: 6N NaOH+ 1% Ethyl alcohol 70°40 h  CR39 threshold:  “soft”etching Z/β~ 7 - REL ~ 50 MeV cm 2 g -1  “strong”etching Z/β~ 14 - REL ~ 200 MeV cm 2 g -1

12 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna12 Making Etching Better l A better signal to noise ratio

13 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna13 A Typical Analysis Procedure (1)  A highly ionizing particle passes through the NTD leaving a microscopic trail  The latent track is manifested by etching  V B is the bulk rate  V T is the faster rate along the track  The reduced etch rate is p = V T /V B  The reduced etch rate is simply related to the restricted energy loss REL = (dE/dX) E<Emax

14 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna14 A Typical Analysis Technique (2)  If the etching process is continued for a sufficient length of time a hole will be formed in the plastic (see (a))  These hole can be detected by the “ammonia technique” (see (b)):  The plastic sheet is placed on top of blueprint paper  The two sheets are sealed along the edges  The package is exposed to ammonia vapour  Each hole in the plastic is revealed as a blue spot on the blueprint paper  This paper can then be used as a map for more careful etching of the corresponding region of the other NTDs in the stack a) b) Ammonia vapor NTD Blueprint paper

15 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna15 Calibration 158 A GeV 207 Pb82+ Pbions +frag’s 5 < Z < 82 Reduced etch rate REL

16 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna16 Seeking Monopoles at Accelerators  DIRECT Experiments - Poles produced and detected immediately & directly, searches with:  Scintillation counters & Wire chambers  Plastic NTDs  INDIRECT Experiments - in which monopoles are:  Produced, stopped and trapped in matter - (eg beam pipe)  Later they are extracted, accelerated & detected.  DIRECT Experiments - Poles produced and detected immediately & directly, searches with:  Scintillation counters & Wire chambers  Plastic NTDs  INDIRECT Experiments - in which monopoles are:  Produced, stopped and trapped in matter - (eg beam pipe)  Later they are extracted, accelerated & detected.

17 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna17 Accelerator Based Searches 31 searches 14 using Plastic NTDs 3 using emulsions 3 using induction 11 using counters

18 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna18 Why Use NTDs in Accelerator Searches for Monopoles  NTDs are sensitive to magnetic monopoles with n ≥ 1 and a broad range of velocities  It should be completely insensitive to normally ionizing particles (to the level of 1 part in 10 16 )  It is capable of accurately tracking monopoles and measuring their properties (Z/  )  It doesn’t need high voltage, gas, readout or a trigger  The calibration of NTDs for highly ionizing particles is well understood  It is relatively radiation hard  It easily covers the solid angle in a very cost effective way * For  Ldt =10 40 cm -2 + rapidity interval of  y = 2, there will be ~10 16 MIPs thru the detector

19 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna19 The 1st Accelerator Based Search for Monopoles Using NTDs (1) p-p E cm ~50 GeV

20 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna20 The 1st Accelerator Based Search for Monopoles Using NTDs (2)  12 stacks of plastic deployed  Each stack consisted of 10 sheets:  3 and 5th were Makrofole-E  The others were nitrocellulose

21 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna21 The MODAL Experiment  The MODAL (at LEP) expt was run at √s = 91.1 GeV. The integrated luminosity 60+/-12 nb -1  The detector used CR-39 plastic foils covering a 0.86 x 4π sr angle surrounding the I5 IP at LEP.  The polyhedral array was supported by a frame which was mounted on a fixed stand. The vacuum pipe was 0.5 mm al.  The 12 detector faces were filled with CR-39 with thicknesses (A) 720 μm, (B) 1500 μm, (C) 730 μm.  Detector response of all three plastic detectors were calibrated using heavy ions at LBL. Phy. Rev. D46, R881(1992)

22 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna22 Direct Monopole Search at LEP (OPAL)  The OPAL (LEP-1) monopole detector had a  Dedicated plastic detector element (LEXAN)  A dE/dX monopole trigger in the jet chamber  The OPAL search also employed the non-standard trajectory of the monopole in a solenoidal field  Search continued at LEP-2 using the jet chamber monopole Anti-monopole Phys. Lett. B, 316, 407 (1993

23 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna23 Monopole Search Limits

24 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna24 The MoEDAL Experiment - the Monopole Search at the LHC  MOEDAL collaboration from: Canada (U of Alberta & U of Montreal); Italy (U of Bologna); CERN; Institute of Space Sciences, Romania. and, the USA (North Eastern University, Boston; U. of Cincinnati). MoEDAL LHCb

25 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna25 The MoEDAL Detector  MoEDAL is an experiment dedicated to the search highly ionizing exotic particles at the LHC, using plastic track-etch detectors  MoEDAL will run with p-p collisions at a luminosity of 10 32 cm -2 s -1 and in heavy-ion running  We can detect up to a 7 TeV mass monopole with charge up to ~3g  Due to make an initial deployment in 2009, with full deployment of detectors in 2010. LHCbVELO ~25 m 2 area = 0 (layers) x 225 m 2 =150 m 2 of NTDs MoEDAL NTDs

26 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna26 The MoEDAL Detector Element  3 layers of Makrofol (each 500 mm thick)  3 layers CR39 (each 500 mm thick)  3 layers of Lexan (each 200 mm thick)  Sheet size 25 x 25 cm Aluminium face plate 25 x 25 cm

27 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna27 The Next Step for NTDs at Accelerators  The LHC will start up in September 2008  MoEDAL will submit its TDR for LHCC approval in the Fall of 2008  Initial deployment of detectors in 2009  Full deployment in 2010  Plans for p-p and heavy-ion running MoEDAL

28 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna28 Extra Slides

29 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna29 Restricted Energy loss  Contribution to track formation is assumed to be only from the energy transferred by low energy delta rays with energies up to a threshold Eth  Threshold values range between 200 and 1000 eV

30 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna30 Multi-Gamma Events  Multi-  events  At the ISR pp  multi-  at √s = 53 GeV,  < 2 x 10 -37 cm 2  At FNAL (D0 Collab.) search for high E T  -pairs in p-pbar collisions, M mon. > 870 GeV/c 2 for spin-1/2 Dirac MMs (95% CL)  At LEP (L3 Collab.) search for Z   Mmon > 510 GeV/c2

31 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna31

32 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna32

33 September 200824th ICNTS Bologna33 The Definition of R

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