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4CITE Master Plan Four Corners Intermodal Transloading Equinox Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Technical Working Group (TWG) March 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "4CITE Master Plan Four Corners Intermodal Transloading Equinox Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Technical Working Group (TWG) March 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 4CITE Master Plan Four Corners Intermodal Transloading Equinox Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Technical Working Group (TWG) March 15, 2015

2 Introductions Project Team Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Technical Working Group (TWG)

3 4CITE Master Plan The 4CITE Master Plan will be a comprehensive approach to coordinate the planning and delivery of projects that would improve multi-modal access to the Gallup Industrial Park, the Navajo Inland Port, as well as regional connections to the existing and future transportation infrastructure.

4 4CITE Master Plan – Study Area

5 4CITE Master Plan – Expanded Study Area

6 4CITE Master Plan – Regional Area

7 4CITE Master Plan - Objectives Evaluate Transportation Planning Issues Gather existing data on land use, economics, environmental Consider future transportation conditions Evaluate impacts of growth Develop prioritized recommendations for transportation needs Build consensus and support for 4CITE

8 Role of the PAC / TWG Share info on plans/projects in the region Support data collection Help build alternatives Evaluate alternatives Refine recommendations PROJECT CHAMPIONS Participate in 4-5 workshop events.

9 The PLAN is Collection of existing conditions / planned projects General evaluations of future growth scenarios Quantitative and Qualitative view of regional transportation as it relates to 4CITE Collection of recommendations for further evaluations

10 The PLAN is NOT A regional transportation plan for Gallup or the NWCOG area A traffic demand model Quantitative analysis of all roadways An engineering document with costs/design

11 Coordination - Plans and Projects Input Welcome!! Inland Port Feasibility Study - Navajo Nation Gallup Land Partners Energy Logistic Park Comp Plan NWNMCOG Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 5-Year Regional Plan 2009-2014 NWNMCOG Northwest NM Factbook 2012 BNSF Transcon Development NGL Transload Facility in Milan McKinley County Carbon Coal Road Farmington - Thoreau Railroad Study 2015 Navajo Thoreau Industrial Park

12 NMDOT STIP McKinley County CIP – roads and utilities City of Gallup CIP – roads and utilities Statewide Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Any and all TRAFFIC COUNT DATA available Other? Coordination - Plans and Projects Input Welcome!!

13 Technical Approach- Transportation Scenarios

14 Technical Approach- Transportation Analysis

15 Issue and Concerns ▲ Open Discussion –Comments –Questions –Ideas ▲ Maps at Tables –Mark up –Sticky Notes ▲ Comment Sheets –Share today –Email / Call

16 Schedule

17 Team Contacts Mario Juarez-Infante - Wilson & Company (505) 348-4070 / Denise Weston – Bohannan Huston 505-923-3321 /

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