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Mexicano Contributions to the Southwest Chapter 17 Pgs. 233 - 243.

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1 Mexicano Contributions to the Southwest Chapter 17 Pgs. 233 - 243

2 17.1 Introduction The United States ____________________ many things from the _______________ __________________ Heritage - something that is ______________ down from previous ____________________

3 17.2 Mexicano Mining Contributions Gold Mining: Mexicans gave Americans the: ____________: The gold _________ _______________ box: Separated ________ and _______________ ________________: Crushed ____________ so Gold could be ________________

4 17.2 Continued… Silver and Copper Mining: Henry _______________ found silver in _______________ Americans looked for ________________ for help when the mined for _________________ in ___________________

5 17.3 Cattle Ranching Cattle were very _________ with long ___________ The Rancho: The main ________________ produced on Ranchos were meat ____________ and _____________ (lard) _______________ (Cowboys) __________________ there

6 17.3 Continued… The Roundup: Vaqueros most important ________ were ____________ and the ______________ They branded to _______ and ___________ which ____________ was theirs so no one would ___________ them from them This is still __________ in today’s _______________ farming!

7 17.4 The Cowboy American ________________ gained their ______________ from the Mexican ___________________ Cowboy Clothes and Gear: Cowboy hats came from the Vaqueros __________________ Cowboys chaps came from the Vaqueros ____________________ Cowboys boots came from the Vaqueros _____________

8 17.4 Continued… Cowboys _________________ came from Vaqueros as well Vaqueros created the ___________ on the saddle Vaqueros also created the ____ ________ Cowboy Lingo: The ____________ that Americans Cowboys use come from ____________________ Words Example: Ranch came from ______________-

9 Questions Who did American cowboys gain their skills from? Describe what Spanish cattle looked like? What did Vaqueros do to their cattle to show that they belonged to them? Vaquero is Spanish for what English word? Something that is passed down from past generations is called a what? Draw Cowgirl Buzz and label the 5 items that she got from the Mexican Vaqueros. What were the three things that the Mexicans gave to Americans during the gold rush? When the Spanish came to Mexico what did they find instead of gold?

10 17.5 Sheep Raising Two types of sheep were raised 1) ________________ 2) ________________

11 17.5Continued… The Spanish _____________ Raising System: Americans started _____________ sheep when they saw how much ____________ that they could make Americans _____________ the Spanish System: Because of the ______________ sheep raising American __________ production went from ___ Million to ____ Million pounds of wool in ____ years

12 17.6 Irrigated Farming When the _____________ moved _________they had to use _________________ because it did not _________ as much as it did in the ___________ The Mexican Style of Irrigation: They brought ____________ from ____________ by creating _____________ They would fill up a _____________ of crops with water and when that was _______________ they would put a ______________ to spread the water to the next _______________ of ___________

13 17.6 Continued… America’s ______________Basket: Mexicans __________________ Americans to many _______________ that could not be produced in the ___________ ______________, Olives, _____________, Peaches, ________________, Limes, and _________________

14 17.7 Mexican Food The Food __________________: ________________ came to Mexico for _____________ but instead they found ________________ Food Corn, _____________, Chocolate, ___________, Vanilla, ___________, Squash, ______________, Coconuts, _______________ Seeds, and Chili ________________ Spain took foods from ______________ but also brought some of _____________

15 17.7 Continued… A New Style of ___________________: When they combined _____________ and ____________ food they came up with _______________ food When ________________ adopted _________________ food to their _________________ they started combining it with American foods. This is called “______- _______”

16 Questions When farmers moved west, why did they use irrigation systems? When farmers moved west, why did they use irrigation systems? What were the two types of Spanish sheep? What were the two types of Spanish sheep? What two types of food were combined in order to make Mexican food? What two types of food were combined in order to make Mexican food? When Americans combined their food with Mexican food it became known as what? When Americans combined their food with Mexican food it became known as what? What was the main reason that the Spanish started raising sheep? What was the main reason that the Spanish started raising sheep? In a paragraph explain how the Mexicano irrigation system works. In a paragraph explain how the Mexicano irrigation system works.

17 17.8 Spanish-style Architecture Homes were created to suit ______, _______ climates of the ___________________ ____________ Building: ______________ was hard to get a hold of so they used adobe ______________ Adobe: mixture of ___________, ____________, and ____________ baked in the ________ Covered homes with _______ clay ___________ Most homes had a ___________ and a _______________ Newcomers adopt the _______________ Style

18 17.8 Continued… _________________ of Adobe Houses: ______________ in the _______________ and _______________ in the ______________ Can be made from _____________ materials __________’s nearly ___ million adobes were made Made for ____________, __________-houses, ______________ post, and post ______________

19 17.9 Mexican Laws American _______________ tradition came from ________________ Law _________________ Legal tradition came from _________________ Law ________________ Law: Because of all of the miners, America came up with the “_________ of the mines” based on the ________________ mining laws These laws moved throughout _____________

20 17.9 Continued… _______________ Law: __________ Law: Water that was on a ___________ or moved _______________ a farm was that _______________’s water and could be used __________________ that they wanted it. Mexican/_____________Law: water belonged to _________________and ________________ could use it

21 17.9 Continued… Community _________________ Law: _________ Law: Anything that a _______________ “owned” belonged to her _______________ Mexican/__________ Law: “Community Property” Anything that a _____________ owns will be _____________ in half if that couple ____________________ This law still is in most _________________ U.S. States

22 17.10 Mexicano Entertainments _______________ and Dancing: Mexicano music influenced ____________ and _______________ music in the Southwest Most important _________________ was the _______________ (A dramatic story accompanied by guitars) Mexican _______________ have also influenced America ( La ___________, Fanadango and ____________)

23 17.10 Continued… Fiestas and _______________: Largest religious ______________ is the one that honors Our Lady of _____________, the patron ____________ of ______________ Largest celebrated holiday is El ____________ de ____________ (the __________ of _______) _____________ are a big part of Mexican _______________ and that has also spread into American __________________

24 Questions What is the largest celebrated holiday in Mexico? What is the largest celebrated holiday in Mexico? In order to make an Adobe brick, what three materials are needed? In order to make an Adobe brick, what three materials are needed? What are the two advantages of an Adobe house? What are the two advantages of an Adobe house? Adobe homes were created to suit what types of climates in the Southwest? Adobe homes were created to suit what types of climates in the Southwest? Who have Mexican dances influenced? Who have Mexican dances influenced? The Largest Religious holiday in Mexico is to honor Our Lady of what? The Largest Religious holiday in Mexico is to honor Our Lady of what? In a paragraph please explain the difference between the Water Laws in the East and the Mexican /West. In a paragraph please explain the difference between the Water Laws in the East and the Mexican /West. In a paragraph please explain the difference between the Community Property Laws in the East and the Mexican/West. In a paragraph please explain the difference between the Community Property Laws in the East and the Mexican/West.

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