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10.20.14  Agenda:  Wrap up Haitian Revolution  Mexican Independence  Hidalgo’s Call for Independence  Mexican IndependenceDocuments.

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Presentation on theme: "10.20.14  Agenda:  Wrap up Haitian Revolution  Mexican Independence  Hidalgo’s Call for Independence  Mexican IndependenceDocuments."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.20.14  Agenda:  Wrap up Haitian Revolution  Mexican Independence  Hidalgo’s Call for Independence  Mexican IndependenceDocuments

2 Social Structure of Latin America  a rigid racial class system was formed.  One’s social class was directly tied to how “pure” his blood was and his place of birth.  Kings wanted to keep the colonies under their control and only have “loyal” people in office. (Bourbon Reforms)

3 Mexican Independence (1810-21)  Power struggle in Spain & Creole nationalism  Miguel Hidalgo & Grito de Dolores  Iturbide and Three Guarantees

4 Power struggle in Spain  1808- Charles IV and Ferdinand abdicate the throne  Napolean Bonaparte leaves the crown to his brother

5 Creole Nationalism  Power struggle in Spain motivates the creoles to seek independence.  Viceroys attempt to claim sovereignty in the absence of a legitimate king.  Tensions build between peninsulares and creoles and the common people.

6 Miguel Hidalgo & Grito de Dolores  Mexican Catholic priest and revolutionary leader  Studied French and the Enlightenment  “Long Live Our Lady of Guadalupe, Long Live Independence.“

7  Hidalgo retreated once they arrive at Mexico City  He was captured, given a trial and a visit from the Inquisition  Executed and his head was displayed as a warning to other rebels.

8 Jose Maria Morelos  assumed leadership of the army, signed first independence document  Captured, tried and executed for treason

9 Hidalgo’s legacy  Catalyst for Mexico’s poor to vent about their status/ condition  Poor military leadership and tactical errors  His approval for the violent killing of elites, alienated his revolutionaries  Yet he is the symbol of Independence in Mexico

10 Resistance and Revolutions (1815-1820)  Isolated guerilla uprisings  Liberal regime in Spain reinstates Constitution of 1812  Augustin Iturbide- royalist criollo officer who rises up against the Spanish crown.  Status quo was threatened and Challenged criollo authority

11 Iturbide & the Three Guarantees (1821)  Iturbide and his royalist forces join up with radicals  Plan of Iguala-  Mexico- independent monarchy  Creole and peninsulares equality  Power of the Catholic Church

12 Independence Day  Sept. 28 th – Mexican empire is declared  New Spain  Iturbide eventually is the emperor (1822)  Day of independence is celebrated on Sept. 16 th – the day of the Hidalgo’s Grito

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