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Semicolon and Colon Practice. Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses semicolons correctly. 1. A. The squid.

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1 Semicolon and Colon Practice

2 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses semicolons correctly. 1. A. The squid is a fantastic fighter that is; he’s got good insults. B. The squid is a fantastic fighter that is he’s got good insults. C. The squid is a fantastic fighter; that is, he’s got good insults. D. The squid; is a fantastic fighter that is, he’s got good insults. 2.A. I have visited Boston, Massachusetts, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hobart, Tasmania, and Nantucket, Massachusetts. B. I have visited Boston; Massachusetts; Honolulu; Hawaii; Hobart; Tasmania; and Nantucket; Massachusetts. C. I have visited; Boston, Massachusetts, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hobart, Tasmania, and Nantucket, Massachusetts. D. I have visited Boston, Massachusetts; Honolulu, Hawaii; Hobart, Tasmania; and Nantucket, Massachusetts.

3 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses semicolons correctly. 3.A. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard; but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. B. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale; has been studying hard, but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. C. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard; but, in my opinion; Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. D. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard, but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. 4. A. Do your whaling carefully Ahab; is sensitive. B. Do your whaling; carefully Ahab is sensitive. C. Do; your whaling carefully Ahab is sensitive. D. Do your whaling carefully; Ahab is sensitive.

4 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses semicolons correctly. 1. A. The squid is a fantastic fighter that is; he’s got good insults. B. The squid is a fantastic fighter that is he’s got good insults. C. The squid is a fantastic fighter; that is, he’s got good insults. D. The squid; is a fantastic fighter that is, he’s got good insults. 2.A. I have visited Boston, Massachusetts, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hobart, Tasmania, and Nantucket, Massachusetts. B. I have visited Boston; Massachusetts; Honolulu; Hawaii; Hobart; Tasmania; and Nantucket; Massachusetts. C. I have visited; Boston, Massachusetts, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hobart, Tasmania, and Nantucket, Massachusetts. D. I have visited Boston, Massachusetts; Honolulu, Hawaii; Hobart, Tasmania; and Nantucket, Massachusetts.

5 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses semicolons correctly. 3.A. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard; but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. B. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale; has been studying hard, but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. C. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard; but, in my opinion; Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. D. Ahab, who wants to kill the white whale, has been studying hard, but, in my opinion, Starbuck, his first mate, studies even harder. 4. A. Do your whaling carefully Ahab; is sensitive. B. Do your whaling; carefully Ahab is sensitive. C. Do; your whaling carefully Ahab is sensitive. D. Do your whaling carefully; Ahab is sensitive.

6 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses colons correctly. 1.A. Please bring the following: items to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. B. Please bring the following items to the ship: fresh chowder and two harpoons. C. Please bring the following items to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. D. Please bring the following items: to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. 2. A. Ahab: could be described as follows angry and borderline insane. B. Ahab could be described: as follows angry and borderline insane. C. Ahab could be described as follows angry: and borderline insane. D. Ahab could be described as follows: angry and borderline insane.

7 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses colons correctly. 3.A. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name: was 1 Kings 18 22. B. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name was: 1 Kings 18 22. C. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name was 1 Kings 18:22. D. The Biblical reference: of Ahab’s name was 1 Kings 18 22. 4.A. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit: “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.” B. Ahabs’s instructions: were explicit “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.” C. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit “If you see the white whale: split your lungs for him.” D. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit, “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.”

8 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses colons correctly. 1.A. Please bring the following: items to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. B. Please bring the following items to the ship: fresh chowder and two harpoons. C. Please bring the following items to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. D. Please bring the following items: to the ship, fresh chowder and two harpoons. 2. A. Ahab: could be described as follows angry and borderline insane. B. Ahab could be described: as follows angry and borderline insane. C. Ahab could be described as follows angry: and borderline insane. D. Ahab could be described as follows: angry and borderline insane.

9 Read each group of sentences carefully; write the letter of the sentence that uses colons correctly. 3.A. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name: was 1 Kings 18 22. B. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name was: 1 Kings 18 22. C. The Biblical reference of Ahab’s name was 1 Kings 18:22. D. The Biblical reference: of Ahab’s name was 1 Kings 18 22. 4.A. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit: “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.” B. Ahabs’s instructions: were explicit “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.” C. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit “If you see the white whale: split your lungs for him.” D. Ahabs’s instructions were explicit, “If you see the white whale, split your lungs for him.”

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