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Argument Paragraph Revision You will hand in your polished paragraph on Friday, October 24th. This paragraph will serve as a model for every paragraph.

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Presentation on theme: "Argument Paragraph Revision You will hand in your polished paragraph on Friday, October 24th. This paragraph will serve as a model for every paragraph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argument Paragraph Revision You will hand in your polished paragraph on Friday, October 24th. This paragraph will serve as a model for every paragraph you write when writing a full essay, letter, etc.

2 Beginning and Ending Your Paragraph The first sentence should state the reason from your thesis that will be the focus of your paragraph. The last sentence should restate the reason and conclude the paragraph.

3 Review of Transition Words and Phrases What is a transition in writing? Root word: trans- ● transcontinental ● transport ● transfer ● translate ● transplant ● transfusion Trans- means across, through, or over A transition word or phrase helps the writer carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another 8th Grade Goal: W.8.2. Text Types and Purposes Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts

4 Review of Transition Words and Phrases A transition word or phrase helps the writer carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. When you could use transitions: ● Between examples within a paragraph (A, B) ● Between an example and your explanation (1, 2) ● Whenever you need to clarify relationships between ideas in your writing.

5 Transitions Within Paragraphs Transitions can be used many times in a paragraph to show the connection between sentences. Sample without transitions: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. The prince’s death occurs two days before the wedding. Revision: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. For example, the prince’s death occurs two days before the wedding. Reason for the Revision: The transition helps to connect the idea to the example that follows.

6 Transitional Words/Phrases for Argument Writing - Linking ●also ●for example ●furthermore ●for instance ●in addition ●moreover ●not only...but ●similarly

7 Transitions - Guidelines ● Use a variety of words / phrases ● Make sure the transition is logical ● Avoid overuse of transitions - you don’t need one for every sentence, just where the transition will make a connection clear for the reader

8 Revising for Transitions 1.Underline / highlight your first example and explanation in the same color (A & B ). 2.Underline / highlight your second example and explanation in a different color. 3.Add a transition between the two colors. 4.Determine whether you need a transition between the example and your explanation (A & B) for both.

9 Choosing quotes and “weaving” them into your writing ● Each quote should be: RELEVANT, EXPLAINED, and BLENDED. ● You don’t want to just DROP the quotes into your writing – they need to BLEND in and be properly explained so that their presence makes sense to the reader. ● When you use a quotation, you should spend at least twice as much room on your paper explaining the quote and connecting it to your conclusion. ● This shows that you understand the link between the text and the conclusion you’ve drawn from the text.

10 Choosing quotes and “weaving” them into your writing Use quotes to enhance your idea about the topic, not to repeat something you’ve already said. Poor use of quotation: The narrator insists that he is not mad. “But why will you say that I am mad?” (“The Tell-Tale Heart”). Better use of quotation: The narrator’s pride in his stealthiness suggests that he is truly mad: “You should have seen how wisely I proceeded --with what caution -- with what foresight --with what dissimulation I went to work!” (“The Tell-Tale Heart”).

11 Steps to revise: 1.Highlight/underline each quote you used in your paragraph 2.Check the BEFORE - lead into your quote: ● Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon. Albert Einstein reminds us all to never waste our life being selfish: “Only a life lived for others is worth living."Only a life lived for others is worth living." ● Use an introductory or explanatory phrase with a comma. Katniss cried out, “I volunteer as tribute!” (Collins 19). According to Ronald Reagan, “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

12 Steps to revise: 3. Check your quote: o Is it in quotation marks? o Do you have an in-text citation?  (author’s last name) OR  (title of article) 4.Check AFTER your quote: o Is it clear what the quote means or refers to? o Did you explain how the quote supports your claim? 5.Switch papers with a partner at your table. Read your partner’s paragraph and offer feedback on the quotes.

13 Connotation Think about your feeling toward this topic: ●anger ●pleading ●rationalizing 1.Star any adjectives and adverbs in your paragraph. 2.Choose words with connotations that match your feeling. 3.Do your transitions have appropriate connotations?

14 Sentence Structure Complete at least two of the following: ●Combine two independent clauses with a semi-colon ●Combine two independent clauses with a dash ●Start a sentence with a dependent clause ●Include a dependent clause in the middle of an independent clause

15 Next Step: Type your final, revised paragraph to hand in on Friday. Don’t forget your MLA heading!

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