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New Types of Religious Women Week 4, Lecture 4. New Types of Religious Women What were the options for women who wanted to lead religious lives in thirteenth-

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1 New Types of Religious Women Week 4, Lecture 4

2 New Types of Religious Women What were the options for women who wanted to lead religious lives in thirteenth- century Europe? Why were there so many women mystics? How did the Church benefit from the popularity of women mystics and visionaries? What threats could these women pose to the Church?

3 “Beguines” What does it mean and where did it come from? We don’t know! –“Albigensian”? –Lambert de Begue? Male counterparts called “Beghards,” much less numerous

4 Options for Religious Women Monastic life Popular movements –Waldensians, Cathars Can there be a middle ground? –Parallel: Tertiary orders

5 A Friar Confronted by a Bevy of Beguines 14 th century manuscript illumination

6 Stages of the Movement 1.Individual devotion 2.Organizing of communities a.Church intervenes b.Priestly defense 3.Enclosure 4.Expansion into a parish

7 A Former Beguinage, 1463, Germany Today, an upscale restaurant!

8 Marie d’Oignies (1177-1213) From Liège (Flanders); wealthy background Lay sister at Monastery of St. Nicholas, Oignies –Expanded into beguinage Spiritual guide and devoted follower: Jacques de Vitry

9 Medieval Mysticism

10 Female Saints and Food Caroline Walker Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast, 1987 Eucharist: central sacrament –Imitatio crucis Miracles and social criticism

11 Grain and Grape, Body and Blood Image: Friedrich Herlin, Man of Sorrows: Christ with shoots of wheat and grape vines springing from his wounds. Tempera on wood, 1469.


13 Christina Mirabilis (Christina the Astounding) Flemish, 1150-1224. Also of “respectable” family. Performed extreme acts: “drunk” with religious ecstasy Died three times


15 Male Opinions Devotion and support –Jacques de Vitry –Thomas de Cantimpré, hagiographer of St. Christina Suspicion and restriction –Don’t fast so much, you’re going to hurt yourself! Condescension

16 Hadewijch of Brabant Flemish, first half of 13 th century Extensive writings: letters, poems, visions Lost her position; may have died homeless Letters to a Young Beguine

17 Rise and Fall 1233-c. 1300: Popularity and expansion Uncomfortable association with Spiritual Franciscans, 1280s-1300s –SFs formally declared a heresy, 1317 –Intensive persecution followed Marguerite Porete –The Mirror for Simple Souls –Burned at the stake in Paris, 1310

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