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5 Days Until STAAR! 1. Get the sheet from the back. 2. Get your clicker. 3. Pick up a packet (DON’T WRITE ON IT!) 4. Start your Do Now 5. Turn in any late.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Days Until STAAR! 1. Get the sheet from the back. 2. Get your clicker. 3. Pick up a packet (DON’T WRITE ON IT!) 4. Start your Do Now 5. Turn in any late."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Days Until STAAR! 1. Get the sheet from the back. 2. Get your clicker. 3. Pick up a packet (DON’T WRITE ON IT!) 4. Start your Do Now 5. Turn in any late journals.  Do Now:  Write the answers to the questions on the worksheet on a separate sheet of paper. We will enter them on clickers in 5 minutes.  HW:  None

2 Review answers/Family Time (10 min)

3 What, Why, the IB  The What: Today we’re going to begin reviewing ways to make our writing have more meaning through revising and editing.  The Why: While we must pass the EOC in order to graduate high school, writing is a way we respond to the world around us.  The IB: Principled. Are we principled enough to respond to everything we read or see, and make sense of it, and apply it to our reality?

4 The Purpose of Punctuation  The purpose of punctuation is to signal to the reader when ideas are changing, are related, or are finished.  A comma signals that ideas are about to change.  A period signals that an idea is ending.  A semi colon goes in place of a period and tells the reader another independent but related thought is coming.  I went to the wall; I needed new clothes.  A colon goes before a list or between an independent clause and a dependent clause  There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time.  The charter review committee now includes the following people: the mayor, the chief of police, the fire chief, the chair of the town council.

5 Based on these ideas, punctuate the given sentences with a partner.  A comma signals that ideas are about to change.  A period signals that an idea is ending.  A semi colon goes in place of a period and tells the reader another independent but related thought is coming.  I went to the wall; I needed new clothes.  A colon goes before a list or between an independent clause and a dependent clause  There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time.  The charter review committee now includes the following people: the mayor, the chief of police, the fire chief, the chair of the town council.

6 Now identify the types of sentences these are..  Simple (expresses one complete thought)  Compound (expresses two complete thoughts and thus has a comma and a conjunction)  Complex (expresses one complete thought and one incomplete thought. Often the incomplete thought has some sort of introductory phrase, or can’t stand by itself)  Compound/Complex (expresses two or more complete thoughts, AND one or more incomplete thoughts. it usually has conjunctions)

7 Check!  Your roommate may snore but just put a sock in his or her mouth to stop it. Compound  One of my favorite college memories was literally dragging my roommate out of our room to go pick up a pizza I was tired of her moping around compound  Burning popcorn in your microwave will cause the smoke alarm to go off thus causing the entire 300 person dorm to have to evacuate complex  A hint for college there will always be free pizza available somewhere on campus complex

8 Meaning as a Whole When writing for an audience, we want to ensure our writing is logical and concise. We want to make sure every sentence adds to the overall meaning of our purpose. Test Taking Tip:  Don’t read the passages given for Revising and Editing- skip straight to the questions since it’ll tell you or give you the line you need to work with.  Read one sentence above and one sentence or so below to get the gist of what meaning is trying to be developed. Keeping this in mind, complete section 10 and 11 in your EOC packet starting on page 43.

9 How does punctuation and revising add to the meaning of writing?

10 Exit Ticket

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