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The art of non-verbal communication Referee Level 3 Body Language.

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Presentation on theme: "The art of non-verbal communication Referee Level 3 Body Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 The art of non-verbal communication Referee Level 3 Body Language

2 93% of effective communication is non-verbal (7% vocal, 38% vebal,55% body) Body Language

3 How to use your facial expressions to greatest effect

4 Body Language Perhaps the most famous and certainly the most expressive face in refereeing

5 Body Language The Eyes are the mirror of our soul

6 Body Language: The Eyes Maintain eye contact Staring can create tension Avert eyes occasionally Never look down Shifting eyes suggest deception Don’t furrow eyebrows

7 Body Language The head is a minefield if you understand body language

8 Body Language: The Head Tilting the head indicates warmth and interest Slow nods are reassuring Rapid nodding suggests impatience Touching parts of the head sends different signals Patting/playing with hair indicates a lack of confidence in your words

9 Body Language A smile …is the shortest distance between two people

10 Body Language: A Smile The most powerful tool in body language Over 50 different types of smiles using 80 facial muscles A smile creates a warmth or bond with recipient Constant grinning is insincere Touching mouth/gnawing lip/faking a cough = insincerity

11 Body Language The hands … can take on a life of their own

12 Body Language: The Hands Fidgeting is distracting It can also indicate annoyance or impatience Keep hands open and in view Pointing & clenched fists are threatening Touching is to be handled with care

13 Body Language Posture: Walk tall and look the part

14 Body Language: Posture Erect posture looks confident Arms locked across chest reflects defensiveness or not open to ideas Retain height Shoulders need to be straight Look at your feet - they too can make you look insecure

15 Body Language Personal space … “Invade my space and I turn off.”

16 Body Language: Personal Space Personal space is about a metre (arm’s length) for each person. Dominant reactions when personal space is “invaded” –to flee –to turn off –to react aggressively

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