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SOL Writing Prompts Practice 2015.

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1 SOL Writing Prompts Practice 2015

2 Preparing Yourself for the writing SOL
Remember the formulas we used in class: Outline, Intro, thesis, body, conclusion, etc. (The writing SOL is just like the Research paper in form). Remember, this is a persuasive paper; therefore, you must take a clear side to an argument. Remember the rules we discussed: Scholarly language-no abbreviations or slang: use “children” not “Kids”, use “informative” not “cool”, use “melancholy” not “sad”. 2. Avoid certain pronouns- don’t use “I”, “we”, “us”, or “Your” 3. Be explicit- Spell out everything; even if it seems like it is getting tedious (instead of saying “it” or “they”use the actual term or phrase: (bad) STD’s have become a problem. They effect 23% of the population. (good) The rate at which Sexually Transmitted Diseases proliferate has made for a somewhat new-age epidemic. It is reported that, Sexually Transmitted Diseases effect over 23 percent of the population of the United States.

3 Prewriting •Chose a position/topic •Generated ideas for specific audience and purpose

4 Drafting •Produced arguments to support my position
•Defended my position elaborating facts, examples, data, reasons •Showed how evidence supports each main point of the argument •Justified why the evidence credibly supports the claims •Introduced claim(s), acknowledged and distinguished the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims (Addressed counterclaims) •Organized the reasons and evidence logically •Produced sound judgments and effective conclusions

5 Revising and Editing •Proofread for Standard English •Used appropriate transitions to link sentences and paragraphs •Varied sentence patterns •Adapted content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation

6 Opposing Argument + Your Argument + Your Evidence
Thesis Formula Opposing Argument + Your Argument + Your Evidence Although Nevertheless Because Although some people believe that Bigfoot does not exist, nevertheless, there is overwhelming evidence that this creature is alive and well because there have been numerous Bigfoot siting's across the U.S. and the world, scientists have concluded that this type of creature could potentially adapt to any environment, and fossilized matter reported to have come from a the Sasquatch species has been uncovered. Remember, the thesis statement is only one sentence in length!!!

7 The Journey Some say that the journey is more important than the destination. They argue that people find more joy and satisfaction in working toward a goal than in achieving it. Others say that it is the destination that gives meaning to the journey. They argue that the process of working toward a goal would be meaningless without its achievement. Take a position on this issue. Use reasons and specific examples to support your ideas. Although the Destination is significant, the Journey itself is far more formative as a persons identity is shaped by the experiences and obstacles they encounter during their journey.

8 Driving Age Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive. Your state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. Do you think the minimum driving age should be raised? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples. Although some people believe that 16 is a valid age for one to obtain a driver’s license, nevertheless, the driving age should be changed to reflect a stricter standard because children, especially boys, do not physically or mentally mature at the age of 16, allowing a minor to drive a car might give that minor too much independence, and children under 18-years-old are more likely to engage in “risky” behaviors when behind the wheel.

9 Idleness Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Determine never to be idle It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” Do we accomplish more if we are always doing something, or does inactivity also serve a purpose? Take a position on this question. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.

10 First Impressions It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change. Based on your experiences, do you agree or disagree with this statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.

11 growth Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” Based on your experiences, do you agree or disagree with Emerson’s statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.

12 School Electives Some people believe that students should be required to take a music, a drama, or an art class. Should students be required to take a class in the arts, or should such classes be electives? Take a position on this issue. Use reasons and specific examples to support your position.

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