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Growth and Development of Horses Presentation Part 5: Two-Year Olds #8901-D.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth and Development of Horses Presentation Part 5: Two-Year Olds #8901-D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth and Development of Horses Presentation Part 5: Two-Year Olds #8901-D

2 Two-Year Olds Still growing Many are training them at same time Some pushed too hard early in life – Become injured quite often

3 Two-Year Olds Even light training can be stressful Must be fed high-energy ration to maintain condition & strength to avoid injuries Feed only quality feeds

4 Two-Year Olds Feed one-half of nutrients in mixed grain – Make sure it is not dusty or too finely ground Given all the excellent hay they can eat If fed large amounts of grain, feed three or more times daily

5 Two-Year Olds Continue immunization & de-worming Need time to rest & relax

6 Training the Two-Year Old Some use “sacking out” to accustom horses to unusual things – Introducing horse to various objects – Some make noise or have an odor – Rubbing objects over horse’s body

7 Training the Two-Year Old Make horse eventually feel at ease when touched on any part of the body Other trainers, however, do not recommend sacking out

8 Training the Two-Year Old Fear - main emotion in prey animals such as horses or cattle Have sensitive ears & loud noises may hurt

9 Training the Two-Year Old Animals form memories in brain’s primitive part, the amygdala – Amygdala - almond shaped mass of gray matter in anterior portion of brain’s temporal lobe

10 Training the Two-Year Old Prevent formation of fear memories associated with riding, trailering, etc. To get horses to overcome fear, higher brain centers in cortex must send signal to suppress fear to amygdala

11 Training the Two-Year Old Fear may cause horses to kick or bite, – Caused by fight or flight response If horses cannot flee, they learn to fight. If trainers punish fear-based behavior such as rearing, kicking, or bucking, they will only worsen situation

12 Training the Two-Year Old May think horses are angry when only fearful Remain calm to avoid escalating problem Horse that is calm & non-reacting will most likely adapt to series of forced training efforts that are not painful

13 Training the Two-Year Old A horse that is nervous, flighty, & high-strung may never adapt These can be recognized by how they: – Hold their heads high to look out for danger – Swish their tail even when no flies are around – Pace back & forth in their stalls

14 Training the Two-Year Old After horse has been longed & line-driven - ready for saddling First, place saddle pad on horse’s back Gently place saddle on back Tighten girth

15 Training the Two-Year Old Talk to horse calmly & pat it on neck to help calm it down Walk around with saddle on, longeing it for a while More time spent training a horse, the more trust it will have with the owner

16 Training the Two-Year Old The next day, work on line driving with saddle on Some horses are ready to ride at 2 years old while with others it is better to wait until later

17 Training the Two-Year Old Place bridle on horse Ask horse to open mouth by inserting thumb into corner of horse’s mouth, pressing against bars of the mouth if it does not open Take care when slipping bridle over ears which are a sensitive spot

18 Training the Two-Year Old Next, try to mount horse – Can be a shock to horse due to additional weight Use your voice, legs, & whip as you did when you were longeing so horse will pick up on meaning

19 Training the Two-Year Old Two-year olds are young & fragile animals Only give short lessons Do not expect too much from them Let them mature & develop at their own pace

20 Summary Weaning - stressful time for horses as they are taken away from their mothers Can occur at 4 months of age without causing nutrient deficit

21 Summary Playing - important exercise for yearlings – Promotes growth & development of strong bones & muscles Yearlings should: – Begin regular vaccination program – Be provided ample forage & hay

22 Summary Be as gentle as possible Use least amount of force necessary when training or they will begin to resist & cause problems Learn horse’s language – Visual, tactile, & non-verbal

23 Summary Two-year olds in training need: – Quality nutrition to help promote growth & prevent injury – Rest & relaxation

24 Summary Fear - one of the main emotions of horses Important to prevent formation of fear memories associated with riding, trailering, etc.

25 Summary Two-year old are still young & fragile Should be allowed to mature & develop at their own pace

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