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ECORD Science Operator (ESO): Education and Outreach Andy Kingdon External Communications, ESO IODP MI Outreach Workshop, Washington DC, USA May 17 - 18.

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Presentation on theme: "ECORD Science Operator (ESO): Education and Outreach Andy Kingdon External Communications, ESO IODP MI Outreach Workshop, Washington DC, USA May 17 - 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECORD Science Operator (ESO): Education and Outreach Andy Kingdon External Communications, ESO IODP MI Outreach Workshop, Washington DC, USA May 17 - 18 2004

2 ECORD status ECORD internal memorandum signed December 16 2003 All former European ODP countries (except Belgium and Ireland) have joined IODP Canada joined in April Austria very close Full Italian contribution confirmed May 14 ECORD memorandum with IODP Signed by EMA, NSF, MEXT at Bremen March 16 2004

3 ECORD : Outreach issues Responsibilities are split between 3 groups ESSAC: Science Facing Outreach to Scientists and Education EMA: Political & IODP / ECORD program activities Funding agencies, EU, IODP ESO: Operation Specific Funding Agencies EU, IODP, General Public Roles within ECORD are evolving Differing national proprieties,differing national timescales Mutual responsibility for publicising ECORD Fundamental requirement to ensure continuity of funding Strategic aim of long term EU support

4 General Ongoing Actions No pre-existing framework for undertaking any ESO activity including outreach Degree of consultation with SAS, IODP-MI & co- chiefs still to be defined Very high scrutiny of basic decisions by SAS has slowed development of ESO activities Creating a framework for future operations Creation and distribution of brochures Articles in relevant “popular” publications Internal briefs web content & project launch Media interest and media handling policy Stakeholders Liaison

5 Syn /Post Operational Publicity During the operation Websites and web bulletins / web-casts Educational Bulletins Outreach programs Teachers Artists Publicity for shorebased science party VIPs (?) “Popular Science” / Technical publications Website archives and resources Publicity to both national and EU funding sources Support for co-chiefs and science party

6 Lomonosov Ridge Proposed drill sites Arctic Coring Expedition ACEX

7 Arctic: what’s happening? Brochures : Long form: text is being finallised for Bremen EuroForum Meeting Short Form available for distribution Popular Publication: “Planet Earth” Article for March JOIDES journal article: submitted this week Website: Content being assembled to be accessed via Launch Meeting scheduled June 3

8 Arctic : ongoing Preparation of 2 standard posters Arctic Science poster Arctic Operations poster Generic article on the operations for funding agency magazine Launch Press releases strategy Major incident policy Procedures for interviews and media access during the operation

9 Media interest / media visits to the drillsite International media most notably the BBC are very interested in covering the ACEX operation High costs of helicopter transits makes this unlikely with additional resources Approx costs of 3 day visits to drill site = $100k for up to 10 people (not $10k per person) Cannot be funded from existing ECORD funds Operational costs have increased and reduced any available contingency Ideas for additional funds? News coverage & interviews TV specials

10 Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX ECORD's First Mission Specific Platform Expedition in IODP 1:35 – 1:40 ACEX Introduction, Andy Kingdon, ESO 1:40 – 1:50 ECORD: What is it and why now? Dr Catherine Mével, ECORD Managing Agency 1:50 – 2:20 The Arctic Ocean - Mare Incognitum Professor Jan Backman, Stockholm University Professor Kate Moran, University of Rhode Island 2:20 – 2:35 Coring the Lomonosov Ridge – The Operations Scenario Ali Skinner, ESO 2:35 - 3:00 Discussion

11 IODP Activities in Europe ECORD & IODP Publicity in Europe EMA responsibility Though EMA is a funding agency it should undertake the same activities & role for Europe as JOI Alliance do in North America Publicity for JR / Chikyu operations in Europe Central clearing house and information point Distribution hub for ECORD IODP presence at conferences OMARC conference, Paris (stand, abstract, talk, Newsletter 1) EUROcean conference, Galway (poster, "cluster" poster presentation, Newsletter 2), Mével presented ECORD at various meetings

12 ECORD-NET Activities ECORD-net deliverables Project summary overview Done Newsletter N 2 - DONE Final plan for using and disseminating knowledge – in preparation As well as ERA-net will have to report on raising public participation and awareness. Teacher at Sea links at Conferences Nice EGU meeting too expensive 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC) Florence in August Opening ECORD to other countries : Russian scientist has been invited to be part of science party “Accession states” to be targeted

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