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2 A. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE No.ContentDescription 1Name of the procedure Receiving and processing document requesting for issuing certificate of registration 2Legal basisDecree 12/2012/NĐ-CP, Circular 05/2012/TT-BNG (in reference with Decree 93/2009/NĐ-CP) Final/Nov. 2013

3 A. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE No.ContentDescription 3Filing No.Administration Desk is responsible for following up the procedure by filing number 4Focal point of the procedure Functional Desk and responsible staff member 5Entity of the procedure Foreign Non-governmental Organizations Final/Nov. 2013

4 A. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE No.ContentDescription 6Fee for the procedure N/A 7Results of the procedure Certificates of Registration, after being appraised by The Committee of INGOs Affairs (COMINGO), will be signed and sealed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Final/Nov. 2013

5 A. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE No.ContentDescription 8Submitting the document requesting for Certificate of Registration INGOs could submit the documents requesting for Certificate of Registration to the focal agency of COMINGO (The People’s Aid Coordinating Committee- PACCOM) either directly or via mail (For quick procedure, PACCOM could process with soft copy of the documents while waiting for hard copy being sent via mail). Final/Nov. 2013

6 A. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE No.ContentDescription 10Time of the procedure For document requesting for new certificate of registration, PACCOM will complete the procedure in 45 working days since all requested documents are submitted; and in 30 working days for document requesting for renewal of certificate of registration Final/Nov. 2013

7 B. ISSUING NEW CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 1. Requested Documents for issuance of Certificate of Registration: 01 document dossier (any document written in a foreign language must be accompanied by a valid certified Vietnamese translation version), including: 1.1 Documents requesting for new Certificate of Registration of Operation : 1.1.1. 01 application letter of the foreign non-governmental organization signed by the authorized person, comprising the following major contents: - Full and abbreviated names, headquarters address of the organization; - Mandate and objectives; Final/Nov. 2013

8 B. ISSUINGNEW CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION - Brief description of the history and development of the organization; - Financial sources and capacity; - Programs, projects and/or plan(s) of operation in Vietnam; - Commitment to abide by the laws of Vietnam and respect the traditional customs and norms of Vietnam. Final/Nov. 2013

9 1.1.2. 01 duly consular-legalized copy of Statutes or by-laws of the foreign non-governmental organization, except otherwise stipulated by provisions of international treaties of which Vietnam is a signatory or a member. 1.1.3 The original or 01 duly consular-legalized copy of the certification of the organization’s legal status issued by a competent authority of the country of establishment or headquarters, except otherwise stipulated by provisions of international treaties of which Vietnam is a signatory or a member. Final/Nov. 2013

10 1.1.4. 01 list of programs/projects which will be implemented in Vietnam in future, the following information should be included: title of the programs/projects, duration, geographical areas, Vietnam partners, budget ( list of programs/projects in the next 03 years are recommended ). 1.1.5. Curriculum Vitae, included copy of valid passport (for foreign representative in Vietnam) or copy of identification (for Vietnamese citizen). 1.1.6. Duplicated copies of all documents are recommended. Final/Nov. 2013

11 1.2 Documents for issuing Certificate of Registration of Project Office Establishment : 1.2.1. 01 request letter for Project Office Establishment, stating clearly the following major contents: - Full and abbreviated names, headquarters address of the organization; - Mandate and objectives; - Brief description of the history and development of the organization; - Financial sources and capacity; - Rationale for the establishment of the Project Office; Final/Nov. 2013

12 - Intended location for the Project Office; - Planned number of expatriates and Vietnamese staff required for the operation of the Project Office; - Commitment to abide by the laws of Vietnam and respect the traditional customs and norms of Vietnam. Final/Nov. 2013

13 1.2.2. The original of the Certificate of Registration of Operation. 1.2. 3. Documents of projects/programs implemented in Vietnam and 01 original or a certified copy of approval document(s) issued by the competent authority of Vietnam. Final/Nov. 2013

14 1.2. 4. 01 list of programs/projects which will be implemented in Vietnam in future, the following information should be included: title of the programs/projects, duration, geographical areas, Vietnam partners, budget ( list of programs/projects in the next 05 years are recommended ). Final/Nov. 2013

15 1.2. 5. Original or 01 copy of the consular-legalized judicial record of the person proposed to be the Chief of Project Office, as issued by the country of his/her citizenship. If the proposed Chief of Project Office has resided in Vietnam for over 6 months, 01 original of the judicial record issued by the competent authority of Vietnam shall be required. 1.2. 6. Curriculum Vitae, a copy of valid passport (for foreign citizen) or copy of identification (for Vietnamese citizen) of the Head of the Project Office in Vietnam. 1.2. 7. Independent assessment on actitivies of the organization in Vietnam is recommended. Final/Nov. 2013

16 1.3 Documents requesting for issuing Certificate of Registration of Representative Office Establishment: 1.3.1. 01 request letter for Representative Office Establishment, stating clearly the following major contents : - Full and abbreviated names, headquarters address of the organization; - Mandate and objectives; - Brief description of the history and development of the organization; - Financial sources and capacity; - Plan of programs/projects in Vietnam; - Intended location for the Representative Office. Final/Nov. 2013

17 - Planned number of expatriates and Vietnamese staff required for the operation of the Representative Office; - Appointment of Head of the Representative Office; - Rationale for the establishment of the Project Office ; - Commitment to abide by the laws of Vietnam and respect the traditional customs and norms of Vietnam. Final/Nov. 2013

18 1.3.2. The original of the Certificate of Registration of Operation or Certificate of Registration of Project Office Establishment. 1.3.3. Documents of projects/programs implemented in Vietnam and 01 original or a certified copy of approval document(s) issued by the competent authority of Vietnam. 1.3.4. 01 list of programs/projects which will be implemented in Vietnam in future, the following information should be included: title of the programs/projects, duration, geographical areas, Vietnam partners, budget ( list of programs/projects in the next 05 years are recommended ). Final/Nov. 2013

19 1.3.5. Original or 01 copy of the consular-legalized judicial record of the person proposed to be the Chief of Project Office/Representative Office, as issued by the country of his/her citizenship. If the proposed Chief of Project Office has resided in Vietnam for over 6 months, 01 original of the judicial record issued by the competent authority of Vietnam shall be required. 1.3.6. Curriculum Vitae, a copy of valid passport (for foreign citizen) or copy of identification (for Vietnamese citizen) of Head of the Project Office in Vietnam. 1.3.7. 01 report on activities in at least 02 recent years before the request for Certificate of Representative Office Establishment. Independent assessment on actitivies of the organization in Vietnam is recommended. Final/Nov. 2013

20 C. EXTENDING, AMENDING, REGRANTING CERTIFICATE 1. Requested Documents 1.1 Requested documents for extending Certificate: 1.1.1 01 written request for extending of the Certificate by the legal representative in Vietnam or by authorized person. 1.1.2. 01 original of the Certificate. 1.1.3. Report on activities in the duration of the issued Certificate. 1.1.4. Plan of activities in the duration of next Certificate. 1.1.5. 01 original or a certified copy of approval document(s) issued by the competent authority of Vietnam. 1.1.6. Other document (if any), such as: Memorandum of Understanding; Assessment by partners, local authorities, etc… Final/Nov. 2013

21 1.2. Documents for amending, regranting Certificate : 1.2.1. 01 written request for extending of the Certificate by the legal representative in Vietnam or by authorized person. 1.2.2. 01 original of the Certificate (in case the original Certificate is lost, a legalized copy of the Certificate is requested). 1.2.3. Decision of Appointment of the legal representative, introducing letter of the legal representative signed by the authorized person of the organization; CV, copy of valid passport of the legal representative (in case of amending for the legal representative). The Head of Project Office/Representative Office is requested to submit the valid judicial record. Final/Nov. 2013

22 1.2. Documents for amending, regranting Certificate : 1.2.4. CV, Labour Contract of newly recruited staff (in case of amending for number of staff working for the organization). 1.2.5. Other document (if any), such as: Memorandum of Understanding; Assessment of partners, local authorities,etc… Final/Nov. 2013

23 D. TRANSERRING FROM PERMIT TO CERTIFICATE 1. Requested Documents: 01 document dossier (any document written in a foreign language must be accompanied by a valid certified Vietnamese translation version), including: 1.1. A letter signed by the Head of the organization, requesting for conversion from Permit to Registration and extension of Registration. 1.2. 01 original of the Certificate. 1.3. 01 duly consular-legalized copy of Statutes or by-laws of the foreign non-governmental organization, except otherwise stipulated by provisions of international treaties of which Vietnam is a signatory or a member. Final/Nov. 2013

24 D. CONVERTING FROM PERMIT TO CERTIFICATE 1.4. The original or 01 duly consular-legalized copy of the certification of the organization’s legal status issued by a competent authority of the country of establishment or headquarters, except otherwise stipulated by provisions of international treaties of which Vietnam is a signatory or a member. Final/Nov. 2013

25 1.5. 01 list of programs/projects which will be implemented in Vietnam in future, the following information should be included: title of the programs/projects, duration, geographical areas, Vietnam partners, budget ( Representative Office and Project Office are recommended to submit the list of programs/projects in the next 05 years; Registration of Operation is recommended the list of programs/projects in the next 03 years ). 1.6. Curriculum Vitae, a copy of valid passport (for foreign citizen) or copy of identification (for Vietnamese citizen) of Head of the organization in Vietnam. Final/Nov. 2013

26 1.7. Original or 01 copy of the consular-legalized judicial record of the person proposed to be the Chief of Project Office/Representative Office, as issued by the country of his/her citizenship. If the proposed Chief of Project Office has resided in Vietnam for over 6 months, 01 original of the judicial record issued by the competent authority of Vietnam shall be required. Final/Nov. 2013

27 1.8. Decision of Appointment of the legal representative, introducing letter of the Head of the organization in Vietnam signed by the authorized person of the organization. 1.9. A certified copy of approval document(s) issued by the competent authority of Vietnam (in case of extension or conversion for Project Office/Representative Office). 1.10. Other document (if any), such as: Memorandum of Understanding; Assessment by partners, local authorities,etc…. Final/Nov. 2013

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