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Latin America: History. Thoughts to ponder 1. What are the differing perspectives of colonization? The colonizer? The colonized? 2. What are the effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin America: History. Thoughts to ponder 1. What are the differing perspectives of colonization? The colonizer? The colonized? 2. What are the effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin America: History

2 Thoughts to ponder 1. What are the differing perspectives of colonization? The colonizer? The colonized? 2. What are the effects of colonization? How does the recent and current character of Latin America reflect its past?

3 I. Native American Empires

4 Maya 250bce to 900ce

5 Accomplishments Tikal (in present day Guatemala)  Cities: Terraces, courts, and pyramid shaped temples. Priests and nobles ruled the cities.  Economy based on agriculture and trade.  Developed accurate calendars and used astronomical observations to predict solar eclipses.  Used glyphs (picture writings carved in stone) on temples to honor their deities and record history.

6 Where are they now?

7 Aztec Founded around 1300CE

8 Accomplishments Tenochtitlan (located in present day Mexico City)  Farming- beans and maize were grown on chinampas (floating “islands” made from large rafts covered with mud from the lake bottom)  Highly structured class system headed by an emperor and military officials.  High- ranking priests performed rituals to win favor and good harvests.  Major foods came from the Aztec- corn, tomatoes, and cacao

9 Inca 1300 CE

10 Accomplishments  Precise architecture, extensive road network, to keep soil from washing away Incan farmers cut terraces into the steep slopes of the Andes and built irrigations systems to bring water to pacific coast deserts.  Domesticated animals- alpaca and llama  No written language- used oral story telling Machu Picchu

11 II. Colonial Contact

12 European Colonization

13 Spain Hernan CortesFrancisco Pizarro

14 Portugal

15 culture law justice language Roman Catholic Religion

16 Economy

17 III. Post- colonial Latin America

18 Independence1700s and beyond  Wealthy colonists of European origin wanted self- rule.  Lower social class Europeans wanted more rights.  Native Americans and slaves wanted freedom from servitude.  All groups were encouraged by successes in North America and France.

19 Haiti Toussant Louverture

20 Mexico Father Miguel Hidalgo

21 Not Independent? Martinique Cayman Islands

22 Dictatorships Political and economic instability + Strong emphasis placed on rank and privilege (from Spanish and Aztecs)

23 Movements for change Panama vs. Cuba

24 Right now! Mexico and Vicinete Fox

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