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Understanding your FLOW-3D simulations better with EnSight June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding your FLOW-3D simulations better with EnSight June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding your FLOW-3D simulations better with EnSight June 2012

2 Why EnSight for FLOW-3D users? Ease of Transient Analysis, maintaining interactive post processing while in time domain. Dynamic and interactive post processing with dynamic clip planes, iso- surfaces, streamlines, pathlines, automatic label updates. Integrated graphs within the 3D scene Superior Calculator function with predefined functions as well as user custom defined functions. Calculate new spatial, temporal, or statistically variables. Multiple cases read into a single EnSight Session. Up to 16 32 different cases from same/different solvers together Keyframe animation, camera control for viewports Remote server post-processing by using Client-server architecture. Texture maps to imprint GIS or experimental data onto the scene Batch or interactive post-processing, use Python to build dialogued tools or scripted logic More..…..

3 Standard FLOW-3D Reader Direct reading of FLOW- 3D result files. Directly read both the standard “flsgrf” files, or.fgz compressed files Options to control particle tracking imports, ghost element treatment, time control, and STL automatic import.

4 Parallel FLOW-3D/MP reader For the new FLOW- 3D/MP users out there, EnSight’s direct reader handles that as well Just specify the flsgrf1. file in the reader. EnSight picks up on all of the flsgrfN. files, and presents the user with the single unified dataset.

5 STL Information? For those wanting to include their STL representation within the visualization, EnSight’s direct reader has that built right into the FLOW-3D reader… Just specify that you’d like to read in the internal STL EnSight will automatically load in STL. Works well with GMO models

6 STL rigid body Play movie

7 FLOW-3D Reader Wizard FLOW-3D Reader Wizard prompts you for the flsgrf file, any particles or STL data, and then takes over from there. Key surfaces of cell volume fraction are automatically created The fluid surface is automatically created and colored by Pressure Labels are automatically created. You automatically get to this point without having to do anything other than specify the flsgrf file…

8 Remote Data? Leave it there.. EnSight works on a client-server architecture that distributes the workloads between the client and one or more servers – this architecture leaves the data where it was computed The GUI and graphics are handled by the Client; the Server takes care of all data and the data extraction algorithms; the Server can be local or remote Client (GUI & all graphics) Server (cluster): all data, extraction algorithms; local or remote, SMP or DMP

9 Automatic Sweeps through the field Automatic sweep animation. Include quantities updates automatically. Play movie

10 Extract out multiple planes Single click multiple clip planes through domain to illustrate development

11 Integrated Quantitative Analysis Dynamically include quantitative analysis into the 3D scene.

12 Multiple variable investigation Investigate multiple variables at the same time. Viewports are linked allowing synchronized pan/zoom/rotate.

13 Streamline and Pathline Analysis Dynamically investigate flowfield with streamlines or pathlines Play movie

14 Texture map for GIS Information Apply any image file as the “color” for the part(s) in the domain Use aerial photo, topographic, or “generic” image from the google. Use our plane tool to prescribe the size and direction of image projection for the part(s).

15 EnSight includes a full suite of data extraction features Basics Cutting Planes Isosurfaces Variable mapping More Advanced Volume Rendering Boundary Layer Extraction Vortex Cores, Shock Surfaces, Pathlines Separation and Attachment Lines Materials Species Elevated Surface Profile Interactive Plane, Line, Cylinder Extrusion, Rotation Coming Soon Multi-variate Filtering Data Extraction

16 FLOW-3D Users and FSI can leverage the community of developers around the world using Python. Python Examples: Numpy Scipy Matplotlib Gnuplot Leverage the nascent community at for EnSight-specific enhancements. PythonExchange Examples: Streamline Analyzer Part Query > Plot Tool Constant Query Tool Python &

17 FLOW-3D Data Reduction Got large data files? Want to share results easily with colleagues, partners, customers? Use EnSight’s Scenario file to create feature extracts from the model results and save this “viewer” file. Can save off multiple variables, created parts, as much temporal resolution as you choose. Demonstration : Original flsgrf file = 2.4 Gb Scenario file = 50 Mb 50x reduction in filesize. Example

18 FLOW-3D Data Reduction Run conversion of flsgrf file to Scenario file in batch Control of Temporal, Spatial, Part, Variable exported to viewer file. Scenario file allows: Play through time and space. Pan/Zoom/Rotate Change variable displayed Change range of variable displayed. Share with customers/colleagues Still save off animations, images Viewer is free, no need for even software install when using Embedded Version Only saves off what you have created or are visualizing. (Cannot create anything within the Viewer).

19 Conclusion A wide variety of the tools available within EnSight to analyze and visualize your results was illustrated. Combining interactive tools, dynamic displays which remain interactive even in transient results, allows the user to fully immerse themselves into understanding the solution results. Wide variety of calculator tools allows further analysis or derived variable display, and data reduction. The extraction and communication of the “knowledge” gained from the simulation is the key to the understanding…. that’s the key to EnSight.

20 iPhone & iPad Viewer Plays.csf files that EnSight can make for >5 years now. File > Export > Scenario > Reveal (.csf) Getting Files to it Mail Dropbox iTunes Browser link Any IOS App with “Open with” option Only at prototype stage so far Express interest at

21 Thank You

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