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Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… "Most misfortunes are the results of misused time." – Napoleon Hill.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… "Most misfortunes are the results of misused time." – Napoleon Hill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… "Most misfortunes are the results of misused time." – Napoleon Hill

2 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Forensic Pathology Post Mortem Examination Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar Associate Professor of Pathology Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence…

3 STRANGULATION  Homicidal, suicidal, or accidental.  PM Features:  Intensive heart congestion (enlarged heart; right side ventricle)  venous engorgement (enlarged veins above point of injury)  cyanosis (blue discoloration of lips and fingertips).

4 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Asphyxia - Strangulation

5 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Brain – Hemorrhages & edema

6 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Brain – Hemorrhages & edema

7 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Fat Embolism in Pulm art.

8 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… DROWNING  Rapid formation of mucus block - Bronchi.  "foam cone" covering the mouth and nostrils.  "dry drowning" - edema of Larynx - no fluid  Stages in drowning:  Surprise - Inhales water.  Holding breath - while struggling  Pink foam – exhalation of fluid.  Respiratory arrest - Pupils dilate.  Final struggle - 3-4 quick attempts to breath.

9 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Drowning: Middle ear hemorrhage.

10 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… SMOTHERING  Obstruction of airway. If soft object e.g. pillow or blanket. No trauma.  Injury on the inner lips.  Cyanosis may or may not.  Petechial hemorrhage on the face, typically around the area of the eyes.

11 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… BULLET WOUNDS  Entry and exit wounds  Bullet is spinning as it hits the body the entry area is usually smaller than the exit wound.  Bullet may ricochet inside the tissue & travels a path which is not a straight line.  Powder burns - near range hits.  contusion ring (abrasion collar) around the bullet wound usually indicates the angle and close range.

12 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Bullet Entry wound

13 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Bullet Entry wound – contact range star-shaped laceration

14 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Abrasion ring – contact range

15 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Powder tattooing:

16 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Powder tattooing: close range.

17 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Slit like Exit wound:

18 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Slit like Exit wound:

19 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… BURN wounds  may be caused by heat, a chemical, or electricity.  Fire victims often are found in a "pugilistic" position with clenched fists, resembling the pose of a boxer.  Heat generally causes the protein in the body to contract.  Blood and lung samples are often taken for various reasons.

20 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Burns:

21 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… STAB WOUNDS  Slash wounds: cuts are as wide and they are long. look like superficial bullet wounds. Other types of slash wounds are called "hesitation marks" commonly found in suicide cases.  Incision wounds: lengths greater than their depth, greater amount of subsurface tissue is exposed in an almost oval fashion.  Puncture wound: Stab or shive wound. distinguishable by its clean-cut edges.

22 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Laceration: Defence wound

23 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Defence wound – how?

24 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Laceration: Defence wound

25 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Stab wound – hilt mark.

26 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… BLUNT trauma:  The blow produces a crushing effect  Resulting in contusions, abrasions, lacerations, fractures, or rupture of vital organs.  Red-blue contusions are always present, but this varies by the weight of the individual (obese people bruise easier than lean people).

27 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Contusion: 1 week. (Yellow green)

28 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Blunt injury- Liver rupture.

29 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Abrasion:

30 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… Laceration:

31 Fiji School of Medicine – Commitment to Excellence… "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars." - Les Brown - Les Brown

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