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Transition to the Common Core Sequim School District.

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1 Transition to the Common Core Sequim School District

2 H ow do we systemically ensure every teacher understands the CC standards, significant shifts, and the connection to the new assessment system (SBAC)? Sequim School District The Challenge:

3 Sequim School District Old Paradigm Send small group to the ESD with hopes and dreams Limited success and impact on classrooms No authentic follow through

4 Sequim School District New Paradigm- Operationalize the CCSS SBAC implications Articulate a transition plan Understanding of structure and shift in new skills Ensure every teacher has the new standards, and support materials

5  Deepen staff understanding of the content and structure of the CCSS.  Clearly communicate and articulate a transition plan for each grade band.  Align or map where the Math CCSS reside within our current resources.  Create/adjust common summative assessments according to the Math CCSS. Develop specific building/grade level/department goals relative to the Common Core transition.  Deepen staff understanding of the content and structure of the CCSS.  Clearly communicate and articulate a transition plan for each grade band.  Align or map where the ELA CCSS reside within our current resources.  Create/adjust common summative assessments according to the ELA CCSS. Develop specific building/grade level/department goals relative to the Common Core transition Increase Student Learning Implementation of Math Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Implementation of the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Teacher & Principal Evaluation Systems Preparation and background development for the teacher & principal evaluation systems. Establish a district task force – members (tbd) Establish operating principles and protocols Study and select an instruction model Determine PD needed for teachers and administrators based on the model selected RIG participation Student Learning Work Plan 2012-2013

6  Target at-risk math students at the secondary level for additional instruction.  Utilize LAP staff members as a “double dip” approach to increase learning time for students.  Use MAP and classroom based assessment data as progress monitoring tools. Increase Student Learning Target Secondary At- risk Students for Additional Instruction Implement Comprehensive Reading Assessment System (elementary) Curriculum Audit Perform a curriculum audit to: accurately identify materials being used, identify curricular needs, adjust the adoption cycle in light of changing standards and learning needs. Student Learning Work Plan 2012-2013  Select DIBELS as the universal screener.  Train Title Reading staff to administer DIBELS 3 times a year.  Select Fountas and Pinnel Benchmark Assessment System as the District diagnostic assessment resource.  Use the F & P System on all at- risk readers. This creates a common screening and diagnostic approach across the District. Also, it allows for common language and data needed for collaboration between staff members

7 Success or failure dependent on leadership Sequim School District How do we build leadership capacity? Leadership Counts

8 Sequim School District Leadership Teams Bring the ESD to us K-12 Teams (20 plus staff members) Develop large leadership capacity

9 Develop their knowledge of the CC Unpack, create priority standards Alignment document with purposeful transitions Sequim School District Math Leadership

10 Sequim School District ELA Leadership Kathleen Rice – Modules Awareness and understanding Connection to SBAC Cognitive Complexity

11 So what… Big deal… like we haven’t seen curriculum committees before ? Sequim School District

12 Nuts & Bolts of systemically ensuring ALL Staff had the same learning experience Sequim School District

13 Operationalize the Vision Materials... CCSS binders Leadership Teams – Oprah effect – pay it forward August planning session District PD schedule – connected to the Districts Student Learning Plan

14 Sequim School District Leadership Teams Met in grade bands/department to deliver PD Created ownership and experts Flattened the structure

15 Sequim School District Next Steps Meet Monthly Continue PD during our late start times

16 Thank you! Questions????? 1-800..... Sequim School District

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