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Voice of Experience Forum Sandra Comrie Senior Development Worker.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of Experience Forum Sandra Comrie Senior Development Worker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of Experience Forum Sandra Comrie Senior Development Worker

2 Community Capacity Building & Carers Support Strategy Home Visiting & Befriending Dementia Physical Activity Digital Inclusion Community Food Palliative Care Advocacy Community Transport Volunteer Development Innovation – Hospital Discharge & Carers Support

3 Locality Partnership Development Programme – Outcomes Reduced Isolation & Loneliness Enabled Participation & Diversity Improved Information, advice and education Improved independence and Well-being Delaying as far as possible the need for complex care and support

4 Locality Partnership Development Programme Airdrie: Norma Burns Bellshill: Irene Gibson Coatbridge: Claire Delahay Cumbernauld & the North: Francine O’Donnell Motherwell: Frances Mckay Wishaw & Shotts: Christine McNally Reshaping Care for Older People in North Lanarkshire

5 Activities in Airdrie Plains Residents Lunch Group Airdrie Craft Group MSAV ( Monklands Senior Action Volunteers) Men’s Shed Circle Dancing VOEF Slipper Amnesty Football Reminiscence/Music for the Memory (Alzheimer Scotland) RVS Befriending Service Computer Buddies and Digital Inclusion Art Taster Sessions – Arts Project Plains Allotments Transfer to Digital Recording

6 Integration and the Third Sector Community Capacity Building & Carer Support: Learning from Reshaping Care for Older People Reshaping Care for Older People in North Lanarkshire

7 Community capacity building is defined by the Scottish Government as ‘measures that strengthen the collective ability of a Community.’ This includes activities, resources and supports that strengthen the skills, abilities and confidence of people and community groups to take effective action and leading roles in the development of their community. Social Isolation is common in later life and is associated with poor physical health, increased mortality, mental ill health, depression, suicide and dementia. Preventing social isolation has been a World Health Organisation priority for many years. Low frequency of social contact is a risk factor for functional decline in older people. Stuck et al. 1999 cited in Promoting health and wellbeing in later life

8 The Community Additionality to Community through RCOP CCB&CS Hospital Care Reshaping Care for Older People in North Lanarkshire

9 Friends Walks Lunch Club Support to do own shopping Healthy Eating Seeing the grandkids The dog Telephone Checks Being the boss in friendship group Volunteering at local shop My beautiful home Hospital Care Good nights’ sleep Weight- loss programm e Bingo Bus to get me everywhere Family Feeling like I’m in charge Learnin g to use skype Time to myself Knowing hubby has company Reminder to take medication Getting to my regular hair appointment Knowing my daughter doesn’t worry Feeling like me A wee ‘half’ Knowing what my prescription means

10 Policy Background & the Third Sector Perhaps most ambitiously, it is about establishing a public service landscape in which different public bodies are required to work together, and with their partners in the third and independent sectors, removing unhelpful boundaries and using their combined resources, to achieve maximum benefit for patients, service users, carers and families. Integration of Adult Health and Social Care in Scotland Consultation: Scottish Government Response February 2013 The Action Plan outlines a vision which ‘values older people and their contribution to society and empowers them to be active partners’. It envisages that ‘older people [are] empowered consumers and active participants’. Active and Health Ageing: An Action Plan for Scotland 2014

11 Comm & Eng Group

12 Carers as Equal Partners in Care 1.Carers are identified 2.Carers are supported in their caring role 3.Carers have a life outside of caring 4.Carers are not disadvantaged 5.Carers are engaged in planning services 6.Carers are recognised as equal partners We will shift resources to unpaid carers, as part of a wider shift from institutional care to care at home. During 2011/12, we will review the impact of the Change Fund and engage with stakeholders to agree the extent of resource shift to unpaid carers during subsequent years. Reshaping Care for Older People: A Programme for Change 2011 - 2021

13 Case Study – Plains Activity Group

14 Locality Activity Programme … a mirco-funding approach Fitness & Well-Being; A Story and a Song; Talking Newspaper; Caravan Scheme; Young at Heart; Older People’s Choir; Reminiscence Project; Gardening; Bellydancing; Tai Chai; Music & Laughter Workshops; Historical Projects; Short breaks; ….& Many Many More … Reshaping Care for Older People in North Lanarkshire People of all ages benefit from the joy of creativity, artistic expression and entertainment offered by participation in the Arts and cultural activities. This affirms our identity and enriches our life in many dimensions: physical and mental wellbeing; personal relationships and societal connections. Active and Health Ageing: An Action Plan for Scotland

15 Case Studies – VHT Mrs C is 65, lives alone and is insulin dependent & visually impaired. She receives daily nursing support Mrs C is deprived of social contact and has difficulty accessing any community facilities Mrs C’s social worker contacted GBT to access VHT but was worried that she wouldn’t manage on her own as she was very nervous as well as having medical issues (and restrictions around when she could leave the house owing to nursing visits)

16 Case Studies – VHT GBT worked with NHS staff to arrange community transport around nurse visits Community transport provided along with Passenger transport assistant GBT catering manager worked with NHS and Mrs C to look at low sugar meal options GBT provide further information on good food choices in an accessible format GBT make sure activities are accessible

17 Case Studies – VHT On Mrs C’s first day, she was supported by staff owing to her nervousness but this was soon overcome as Mrs C settled in well to the welcoming environment and little social support was required. Mrs C knew many of the other participants and loved playing dominoes (visually aided dominoes provided) and regularly wins! Mrs C is now a regular customer of the Food co-op and is delighted with her new (old) friendships and the activities she now feels confident enough to access

18 I came here to sing and I have a great number of friends who actually do care about me – I can’t get a lie in – If I don’t open my curtains by 10am, my door is battered loudly by Mavis who is just passing by and checking I’m ok Jenny (Wednesday Girls) I have had the time of my life surrounded by beautiful women, good music and good food, what more could I want. Fantastic afternoon and can I come back. T** (92) He (father-in-law) was doing strange things and it was annoying me, now I know why and it is great knowing how to ease his anxiety Craig (carer) I feel I have benefitted from the gym as I can breathe much easier and enjoy the banter (women included) and makes life much better with Melissa she takes time to talk to us and makes for good competition I know there is a lot of support out there but it is hard to find. I wish I had someone to co-ordinate my life. Carer (77)

19 Personal Outcome Discussions / Preventative Measures / Well being Supports Discharge Hosp PreventionExisting WorkerLocality Response T Hosp Admission Third Sector Infrastructure / Value / Communities with Capacity / Organisations able to Sustain themselves / Parity of Esteem / Locator / Older People as Assets / Activity Prog The Third Sector & Integration


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