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H.R. 1120 by Three Italians and a Mexican Melanie Colletti, Tina Jayroe, Gina Wencel & Marilu Ortega.

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Presentation on theme: "H.R. 1120 by Three Italians and a Mexican Melanie Colletti, Tina Jayroe, Gina Wencel & Marilu Ortega."— Presentation transcript:


2 H.R. 1120 by Three Italians and a Mexican Melanie Colletti, Tina Jayroe, Gina Wencel & Marilu Ortega

3 H.R. 1120 amends 47 U.S.C. § 254(h)(7)(J)

4 H.R. 1120 is also known as: Deleting Online Predators Act of 2007 (DOPA) Status: last action referred from the Energy and Commerce Committee to Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet. Status: last action 2/27/07 referred from the Energy and Commerce Committee to Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet.

5 Blocks access to social networking sites in schools and libraries. Blocks access to social networking sites in schools and libraries. This could include everything from to This could include everything from to The FCC becomes arbiter of how DOPA is enforced—not good news for Web 2.0. The FCC becomes arbiter of how DOPA is enforced—not good news for Web 2.0. The ITAA has come out against DOPA saying there are more precise tools available for protecting minors. The ITAA has come out against DOPA saying there are more precise tools available for protecting minors.

6 Universal Service Support program Universal Service Support program A.k.a. E-Rate program A.k.a. E-Rate program Schools receive about $1.9 billion annually: ALA says 15% of that touches 2/3 of libraries. Schools receive about $1.9 billion annually: ALA says 15% of that touches 2/3 of libraries. Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

7 Voted on by the House in July 2006. Died in the Senate. Introduced to the 109th Congress by Michael G Fitzpatrick. Introduced to the 109th Congress by Michael G Fitzpatrick.

8 BLUE = Passed RED = Not Passed H.R. 5319 DOPA Act July 26, 2006

9 DOPA is designed to empower parents to play a more active role in their children's activities online. DOPA is designed to empower parents to play a more active role in their children's activities online. Requires public libraries to prevent children from accessing these sites without parental permission. Requires public libraries to prevent children from accessing these sites without parental permission. It’s foolish for the taxpayer to subsidize what amounts to a loophole that allows children to be exposed to predators. It’s foolish for the taxpayer to subsidize what amounts to a loophole that allows children to be exposed to predators. February 16, 2007 Representative Kirk introduced the bill to Speaker Pelosi. Kirk says:

10 In the 109 th Congress, DOPA stalled in the Senate. With over five dozen cosponsors, the House should now take up this bill again. The danger posed by predators online in Facebook and MySpace have turned those sites into a virtual hunting ground. Our laws are falling behind the cyberthreat to kids, and Congress should pass DOPA. On June 14, 2007 Again, before House Speaker Pelosi, Kirk states:

11 Pioneer Press, May 5, 2008 Kirk said he believed his bill would close the portals to much of the Internet's sexual, violent and chemical contents in public libraries. "In many libraries, we have open season," he said. Chicago Tribune, May 6, 2008 Kirk said he knew of no cases in which children were targeted by sexual predators in Second Life, but he said he considers the virtual world an emerging danger.

12 Supporters of the bill are concerned about: The 2+% increase in FBI caseloads of online sexual predators in the last 10 years. The 2+% increase in FBI caseloads of online sexual predators in the last 10 years. Approx. 1 out of every 5 kids has received unwanted sexual solicitations in cyberspace. Approx. 1 out of every 5 kids has received unwanted sexual solicitations in cyberspace. Approx. 50,000 predators are prowling children online at any given time. Approx. 50,000 predators are prowling children online at any given time. They believe: The Internet is too ubiquitous and complex for parents to monitor it affectively and that social networking Web sites ‘lack proper controls’ to protect children. The Internet is too ubiquitous and complex for parents to monitor it affectively and that social networking Web sites ‘lack proper controls’ to protect children. Government regulation will create uniformity in library and school policies. Government regulation will create uniformity in library and school policies.

13 Chief Privacy Officer, Chris Kelly, of Facebook: Has testified in front of Congress against DOPA. Advocates parental supervision and monitoring. “No parent or teacher would drop a child off in Times Square and say, ‘Have fun, make sure you don’t leave the Disney Store.’... So why would anyone turn their children loose on the Net without supervision and safeguards to protect them?”

14 Rep. John Dingell Rep. Jay Inslee Rep. Bart Stupak Rep. Ed Markey Voted for H.R. 1120 with reservations:

15 We think this bill infringes on issues of intellectual freedom and equitable access. Also, such decisions should not be made at the federal level.

16 DOPA exacerbates the divide between the technology haves and have-nots. The U.S. Department of Education could come up with voluntary guidance and curricula. Education not restriction. Attack on technology not predators. Parents need to take responsibility regarding their childrens’ Internet safety.


18 Filter a Web site and you protect a student for a day. Educate students about online safety in a real world Filter a Web site and you protect a student for a day. Educate students about online safety in a real world environment and you protect your child for a lifetime. environment and you protect your child for a lifetime. – – Freedom itself is a dangerous way of life, but it is ours. –ALA Freedom to Read Statement –ALA Freedom to Read Statement

19 This has been a presentation by three Italians… three Italians… anda Mexican. and a Mexican.


21 This bill just passed the Senate last week by unanimous consent: S. 1965.

22 This presentation was for LIS 4020: Professional Principles and Ethics Spring 2008 Mary Stansbury, PhD

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